Chapter sixteen

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Cora chewed nervously on her lower lip as she snook glances at June who was whistling happily beside her , kicking small rocks with her messed up , ducked taped shoes

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Cora chewed nervously on her lower lip as she snook glances at June who was whistling happily beside her , kicking small rocks with her messed up , ducked taped shoes .

The sun shining down on her from behind giving her a golden glow that made Cora wish she had a portable canvas and paints with her in that moment.

Wondering if it would be much too weird and strange to ask if she could paint her new friend who had just saved her from her tormentors . She wanted to remember it all.

She felt as though this was a day she should document , even if only to look back on and recall the time that someone had stood up for her . Shy, boring and anxious Cora who only wished to be someone that others could like .

She wondered , not for the first time , where she had went wrong in her short life on this polluted planet .

However today was a new beginning, she could feel it , see it and taste it like berries on the tip of her tongue .

She wanted June to like her . Wanted June to stay . She really hoped she would .

It would be nice to have a friend who wasn't afraid to look to look a bully in there face and tell them to eat shit. Heaven knows that she could never .

Yes. Cora really hoped June wanted to be her friend .

So taking a deep breath and harbouring all of her courage , so little of it too , she spoke

"Are-are you new here ? I mean - it's just I've never seen you around before and I'm sure that I would have noticed you before- I mean-" she stammered exhaling shakily at June's amused stare .

Her startling eyes tracing intently over her surely scarlet face as she struggled to push down her embarrassment , just wishing for a moment that her brain and her mouth could work together in something other than a jumbled mess for once.

She was certain that she had never encountered June before , she was also sure that she had never met anyone like her before either .

There was no wish she could be missed .

It wasn't just her angelic innocent beauty that made her attract all kinds of attention , good or bad , June seemed to have this aura of mystery . A glint in her steely eyes that seemed to mock you as she thought over what she wanted to say .

A look about her that seemed to scream 'I know something you don't' . Someone who is always ten steps ahead of you before you could even blink .

Yes , she was certain that there was no one else in the world like June . She really , really , really wanted to be her friend .

Thankfully June seemed to sense her humiliation at her own anxious nerve , smiling serenely back at her for a moment before facing forward again as they continued to walk through the empty field that lead back to Cora's home.

Almost HonestΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα