(Saga 4 Finale) Chapter 23: Knightcrawler vs Orphan

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Scene shows Alfred looking around the new Watchtower seeing everyone manipulated including Bruce, Alfred wasn't making him extremely worried.

Alfred: Master-

Bruce straight up punches and knocks Alfred down. Bruce looks in front and sees a blond woman as the woman rips her blond hair showing it was a wig revealing Talia.

Talia: *to Calculator* Status?

Calculator: Just a second. *he finishes the final touches and activates a boost* You're on, Tetch. Beginning brain wave synchronization.

MH: *getting a boost* So many minds. So little time.

Talia: And a new age dawns. Even Ra's Al Ghul couldn't achieve this.

Scene shows Nightwing driving the Batwing with Robin, Knightcrawler and Batwoman inside and Batwing/Luke (seriously who's idea was to call Luke Fox, Batwing?)

Batwoman: Hey, Batwing, need a ride in the... Batwing?

Batwing: Very funny.

Batwoman: You sure they won't know we're coming?

Batwing: Not once we jam their radar and shut down the alarm system.

Nightwing: *activating electronic jamming* Good thing you got us those schematics.

Batwing: Hope my dad understands when he finds out I hacked his computer.

Knightcrawler: Sounds like some Thug Life shit, how do we deactivate whatever Talia used to coo coo them?

Nightwing: We don't, I trust Alfred that he can do that.

Knightcrawler: Ok... I also trust the OG.

Batwing: *getting the message from Nightwing* Got' em.

Nightwing: Engaging auto pilot.

The scene shows the four vigilantes about to jump from the Batwing and that exactly is what they did. They follow Batwing/Luke to the entrance he opened as Batwing falls slower, Batwoman extends her cape, as well as Robin, Nightwing shows small winds in his armpits as Knightcrawler shows a small cape to glide (like Batman Beyond). The five enter the Watchtower safely and Batwing closes the entrance. Unknowingly for them, Firefly was outside and saw them.

Firefly: Heads up, looks like we've got company.

Scene changes to Talia and Bruce walking towards the main area with Calculator, Mad Hatter and Tusk.

Talia: *sees the five bats run in the hallway* How long, Kuttler?

Calculator: 20 minutes at most.

Talia: Make it 10. *looks at Tusk* Get it. *now looks at Bruce* I brought you a little something.

Tusk walks in opening a suit case revealing the Batman costume. They hear steps and see David and by his side... Orphan.

Scene shows the five landing from a vent and starting to walk.

Nightwing: We've got to find the dignitaries and evacuate them.

Robin: What about father?

Nightwing: Our first priority is getting those people out.

Robin: Not mine.

Knightcrawler: We have to get the people out Damian, if we fight Bruce it will take too long and all this people will follow Talia's crap.

Out of nowhere Firefly appears and takes Batwing. They all saw that and grew in a bit of shock.

Knightcrawler: They know?

First Heir of the Demon (Male Reader x DCAMU)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz