Chapter 29: Girl of the Shadows

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???: Once upon a time there was a girl who thought she was a shadow.

Scene shows Christine Montclair reading a book, as in front of her, there was a sleeping body in her bed.

Christine: The girl liked being a shadow. She liked darting around from place to place unseen, and unheard. Master of a world of her own making. She'd smiled as she watched the children laugh and play their games, and at night she's take them out to play at her own. Bus as she continued to watch the world around her, there was a curious longing that grew and grew with time. A longing not to watch the world, but to be part of it. Shadows aren't people, she would tell herself. Shadows must stand alone. Shadows must always be-

A gasp made Christine jump as she looked at her bed, the person who was in it was Cassandra Cain.

Christine: You... You're awake.

Cassandra: W-Who?

Christine: I'm... M-My name is Christine... Christine Montclair. I saw you fight that vicious and horrible woman. When everything was clear, I managed to get you from the sewers, sadly the smell will stay there unless you take a bath. I-I patched you up as much as I could... my mom was a nurse.

Cassandra: Don't understand.

Christine: You live above the ballet? I'm one of the dancers here.

Cassandra: Y-Yes.

Christine: I'm sorry... I screamed at you, called you thing, I-I thought you were trying to kill me or-

Cassandra: No!

Cassandra stands up and takes steps back.

Cassandra: Never! Never!

Christine: Yeah, I'm sorry. Should've realized you worked with Batman and the others. There's a website here, is called Spoiler Alert that crowdsources images of all vigilantes here as of right now. Well... there are a few blurry ones, but I could tell one of them was you, I wanna say, your fighting, teamwork and so much more is like watching a good fighting movie, and like a dancer, you looked amazing out there.

Cassandra: Um... thanks?

Christine: Don't mention it.

She later sees Cassandra's nose again starting to bleed as she looked at it.

Christine: Um... your nose.

Cassandra looked at it, it was still broken and if she waited a few more minutes, the nose would basically lose all blood. She grabbed her nose with both hands and fixes her nose but not before leaving a crack sound from the bone as Cassandra's eyes turn a bit red as she hits her nose a few time to blood runs towards it.

Christine: That's cool but also disgusting.

Cassandra looks towards the book, seeing it in the ground.

Cassandra: Book...

Christine: Oh... is nothing big, mom used to read this to me at bedtime, she got it from a local bookstore from Detroit, before we had to move to Gotham. Do you... have a mom?

That topic did hurt Cassandra, she was just fighting her own mother... she put her down like it was nothing. She looks away with a hurt face as Christine picked it up quickly.

Christine: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean... didn't think you didn't have... was that lady, the one you were fighting... you're...

Cassandra looks down as Christine walks and gives her a hug which Cassandra quickly accepts.

Christine: Honey... are you okay?

Cassandra: No... broken... I'm broken.

Christine: No you're not. No one is truly broken.

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