48- Personality Swap

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Imagine if Chat had Adrien's personality and Adrien Chat's.

Or Ladybug had Mari's personality and Mari Ladybug's.

I can see an interaction between a badass civilian chick pulverizing akumas like it's nobody's business and her flirtatious classmate trying to win her over.

And a clumsy, flustered bug fighting akumas with her shy, soft UwU cat partner.

How the fuck are they so shippable either way-


Gabriel when he finally decides to let Adrien know the truth would probably be really nervous, and fumble and shit, like, "Adrien, son, don't freak out, but yourmotherhasbeeninthebasementforyears."

And Adrien

Being Adrien



We HaVe A bAsEmEnT?!


Rena: I think we're missing something.

Carapace: Teamwork?

Chat: Cohesion?

Ladybug: A general sense of what we're doing?

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