138- Mari-Gami Shenanigans

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I don't care what you think but for me, there's only two types of things on the planet.

There things I can eat.

And the things I can't.


Time for some Mari-gami shenanigans!!!


Fucking finally.


-You know how there are two types of people in a friend group? The hyperactive airhead and the done-with-life, emo introvert?

Yeah. You can guess who's who.

-Marinette has made it a habit to jump on top of Kagami ALL. THE. TIME. 

Kagami hates it.

But she secretly doesn't.

-In any social events Kagami is forced to attend, she takes Marinette there to be her personal extrovert shield.

-All Kagami wants is to chill on the sofa in her pajamas all day, playing video games.

Unfortunately, Marinette exists.

-It is now Marinette's daily job to send at least one meme to Kagami every day. In conclusion, Kagami regrets giving Marinette her number.

-Marinette may suck with her love problems, and Kagami is very blunt about it, but when it comes to being a wing-woman, she either does a REALLY good job or fucks things up more than they were before.

So Marinette ALWAYS tries to get Kagami to go on dates.

"KAGAMI, check that boy out! Totally your type!!! GO TALK TO HIM!"

"I don't have a type."

"Tall, serious looking, doesn't look like a lot of fun, looks like someone you'd hate to be with, basically pre-Midoriya Todoroki, did I miss something?"


"I don't know if you're helping me...Or insulting my tastes."

-Kagami thinks she's being too indulgent (which she sorta is) but she knows Mari's only doing this because she feels bad/ responsible? for her break up with Adrien.

-Basically, they're chaotic.


Imma do a part two later cuz my motivation just fucking left me.


Kagami: Why don't you go talk to him?

Marinette, sarcastically: Oh. Yeah, sure.

Kagami: What? So you go tell them he's cute, what's the worst that could happen?

Marinette: He could hear me.

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