~ Twenty Two ~

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Thursday 26th September 2019

The minutes were ticking by every time I looked at my phone, seeming to get faster every time I checked. The stone beneath my arse getting colder the longer I waited. The numb feeling coming and going, the sick feeling in the pit of my stomach gradually making itself noticeable.

I had already been sat here for twenty or so minutes, what I seemed to forget though... It's school run time. So of course Sophia wouldn't be home. And, of course I didn't drive myself here. So that's what's led me to this situation, sat on her doorstep, waiting for her to come home.

I have a lot of explaining to do, got to tell her how it is. Take responsibility for my actions, to act like a responsible adult for once. As much as I have enjoyed my time being single, partying with the troops, and expanding my body count as some might say. But, the sleeping around isn't me, I don't enjoy having to speak to new people, and the awkward morning encounters. So this is my chance to tell Sophia exactly what's going on in my head and to get on the same page as her.

Looking at my phone, once again, I seen that it was nearing four o'clock. They still weren't back and I have been sat here for an hour now.  Putting my head in my hands, I sighed, but I know that I'm doing the right thing.

After another twenty minutes, my head shot up at the sound of a car turning on to the street. She's finally back. I stood as she pulled into her parking spot just in front of me. Seeing a confused look on her face. As if it was almost in slow motion, I watched as she took off her seatbelt and exited the car.

"Harry... What are you doing here?"

"I- uh- I need to talk to you." She nodded, a small smile appearing as she did so. She locked the car before making her way towards me. "Errrm... Where's Mac?"

"Oh, I've just dropped him off at Stacey's house... He's having tea there today because I was going to come see you." I was taken aback from her statement. She was coming to see me? She stopped, standing on the step above me, making her almost the same height. She looked my face up and down before turning towards the door with a smirk.

Why do I feel like a teenage boy with his first crush all over again from just that one look?

She let us in, myself closing the door behind us as she made her way towards the stairs.

"I will be back down in a minute, make yourself comfortable, grab a drink if you want." With that she started up the stairs, her blonde hair slightly bouncing around her shoulders as she did so. As she disappeared from my view I made my way down to the kitchen, grabbing two cans of 7up from the fridge, then making my way back up stairs to the lounge.

I made myself comfortable on the sofa, in the corner where I usually sit when I'm here. I pulled my phone from my joggers pocket opening up the group chat with the boys.

~ Gang Sheet ~

Shitting myself  boys

How many times have we told you that we don't need to know when you're having a shit Harry.

Finally grew some balls and sorting it out?

I am indeed

I'm so fucking lost lads! What's happening

Sophia and Harry is happening

"Sorry about that, wanted to get changed out of the clothes I had to wear for the studio." I looked up from my phone, watching as she made her way round the sofa. She had changed into some dark grey shorts and a matching long sleeved top. She looked comfortable as she sank into the sofa.

The Art Of Having No Idea ~ Harry Lewis Where stories live. Discover now