~ Forty Eight ~

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Monday 22nd June 2020

It's a strange thing... Excitement and anxiety mixed together, having this invisible hold over you. It's nauseating. Your stomach cramps up and it almost makes you feel like you don't want the exciting thing to happen. But... The excited part of you knows that what's about to happen will be an amazing moment.

However, the waiting around before the moment takes place is filled with pointless tidying up. Because you've already tidied the entire house fifty times over. You just can't help yourself. Which is what I've been doing for the past two or some hours, whilst Cormac is upstairs in the office doing his online schooling.

The new normal.

Cormac is completely unaware of Harry's imminent return from Guernsey today. After three months of video calls, text messages and not being able to physically be together, he's finally coming back home. It felt like an eternity apart.

Fluffing the couch cushions for the third time in the past twenty minutes, I shake my head. I'm fed up of pottering about, I need to actually do something. Anything. That, however, is short lived as the sound of a key sliding in to the front doors keyhole catches my attention. I listen as the door handle rattles slightly, then the door squeaks open, a light thud following.

"Honey, I'm home." I let out a heavy breath, one I didn't even realise I was holding, as I round the couch and make my way into the hallway. Stopping in the living room doorway, Harry comes into view. Wearing his usual get up of Sidemen joggers, and his childish hoody, but with slightly longer hair.

I watch as he closes the door behind him, turning to face me as he pulls off his blue surgical face mask.

"Hey... You look so weird with a beard now that I can see it in person." It's not even that much longer than his usual stubble is, but it suits him. Still weird non of the less.

"Wow. No welcome home Harry. I've missed you so much. I love you." He shakes his head, a look of mock disgust. "I see how it is." He rolls his eyes, a smirk on his face as he tries to hold back a laugh. He rolls his suitcase to the side, so it's out the way, before making his way over to me.

"You know I've missed you, you ass." I laugh as he throws me a cheeky smile. I however, stop him from getting any closer. " As much as I want to hug and kiss you, and never let you go again. You need to go shower and get those clothes in the washer. Just to be safe. No offense, bub." I feel so bad, but better to be safe than sorry.

"No offense taken, I know you're right. I'll be quick... Cor doesn't know I'm back right? The surprise is still going ahead?" He takes a few steps backwards, slipping off his shoes. "Grab us a bag to put my clothes in?" He asks with a soft smile. I nod, opening one of the drawers in the hallway cabinet, where I keep a stash of shopping bags, handing it to him.

I watch as he heads up the stairs, disappearing in the direction of the bathroom. Its good to have him home.

I head up the stairs too, but carrying on to the top floor to let Cor know lunch will be ready soon. Standing in the office doorway, I clear my throat to catch his attention.

"Cor?" He takes off his head set, turning in the computer chair that makes him look so small but grown up at the same time.


"Lunch will be ready in about twenty minutes, so let Natalie know so you can finish up, yeah?" He nods his head, putting his headset back into position, focusing back on Natalie, his online schooling tutor.

I back away, closing the door over behind me, making my way back down the stairs to my bedroom. I can hear the shower running as I walk past the bathroom door, as well as the soft hum of Harry singing along to god knows what.

The Art Of Having No Idea ~ Harry Lewis Where stories live. Discover now