Chapter 8 - Unravelling

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Elemental Training was going great. Raymond and Katie had learned a lot. They could manipulate the Element quite easily. Raymond could use the lighter's flame to make objects from it. These objects were a rod or a ball, he could even increase their sizes by manipulating it even further.

The first thing Katie tried to make was a cake out of her lightning, she failed without a doubt. Master Owens explained that Lightning was the least stable Element as it gave more priority to the speed of movement.

One other reason was Katie's too low experience. Even though she knew she could not eat a cake made from lightning, Katie tried every day. Non-stop. They also tried to aim their Elemental objects at a dummy target set on the beach for target practice.

Raymond and Katie would go to the empty beach after dinner every day to get some extra training. Eve never participated. Raymond and Katie thought that Eve was not even training, but later, on confrontation, Master Wygaf told them that she exercised twice as they did. Eve was from Elemental Academy, she was put in such training there. Now, she did all those things to keep herself in shape. Apart from that, they knew nothing about her.

Raymond and Katie usually planned rest time and played board games at that time. They once asked Eve to join. She was reading a book at that time, like always. She said she would join in sometime, but she did not.

One day, Raymond and Katie were sitting on the beach after a training session. Eve was sitting at the porch of the beach house far away. Even now, she was reading a book. Raymond and Katie were tired. Master Owens came and tapped their heads congratulating them, he said,

"You two have come far in just a few weeks. I am proud of you."

"Proud enough to buy us a cake?" asked Katie, she was full of energy.

"No," said Master Owens.

"Why can't Eve use Elemental Powers?" asked Raymond.

Katie narrowed her eyes naughtily towards Raymond and said, "Why are you so worried about her?"

"I am not worried about anything," said Raymond. His face seemed reddish.

"Anyway, I think you should ask this to her," said Master Owens.

"She barely talks," said Katie, "It's like she reads dozens of books every day."

"Well, she loves to read," said Master Owens. "And, I'd suggest you don't get involved with her too much."

"Why? What's wrong with that?" asked Raymond. Katie looked at him making suspicious gestures from her eyebrows. Raymond looked away to hide his red face.

"Don't get me wrong. She's good and sensitive," Master Owens clarified, "but her ambitions are more important to her and she can use anyone to fulfil them. You can have friendly chats and all, I'm just refusing to discuss your fighting skills or anything that is personal."

Raymond and Katie looked at Eve far away. She looked normal. She seemed normal too. She seemed innocent. They wondered how a girl like her be the person Master Owens just described.

"Let's change the topic. How is Martial arts training going?" asked Master Owens.

"That reminds me. Why do we need to do that, again?" Katie said, scratching her head.

"Why don't you get it?" Master Owens shook his head in disappointment, "When your Elemental Energy runs out, the only way to defend yourselves will be hand to hand combat."

"But still, its too much effort for such a small benefit," said Raymond.

"It's not small. Let's have a practical example," said Master Owens. He walked ahead and waved his hand towards Eve and yelled, "Eve! Come here!"

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