Chapter 28 - Long-Awaited Fight

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A screen turned black as the transmission stopped. Another camera's footage came up immediately. Master Owens got up. It seemed that the camera link was broken. There was a high chance that someone destroyed it while fighting. But there was no fight going on as far as he could remember.

"Relax," said Master Ellendun to Master Owens. "The technical team must have seen it. They will reach the location before we even know it."

"I hope so," said Master Owens.

Back inside the Battlelyte arena, the site of the earthquake was in chaos now. Men and women in blue uniforms were lying down unconscious. Dip, one of the Zortus infiltrators, was looking at a tree whose vines were entangled around an unconscious blur uniformed man.

"This technical team was useless," he said with disgust. "Shouldn't they have someone powerful to look after such a dangerous place?"

"Don't push your luck," Christopher said. "We're not here for fun. We have to accomplish our mission without letting the Masters or the Armies know about us."

"I don't care about all this," Miri said in an emotionless tone. "Just give me an order and the location of our targets."

Dip did not understand much about Zortus's working methods. He was new and had no interest in knowing all of that as well. He knew that Miri had been along with Lord Aynor for more years than Christopher. But, for the current mission, Christopher was appointed as the leader. Dip did not like the way Christopher led.

Miri stayed expressionless the whole time. She kept looking around through the scene with her eyes narrowed and mind focused.

"Hurry up," Christopher said to Dip. "Disable the cameras on our path."

"Yeah. Fine," Dip said in an annoyed voice.


Raymond, Katie, and Eve sat and ate the cake Eve used to trap them. Now, they did not have much time to sit and waste, as Eve was with them, they had to get as many Crystal Spheres as possible.

Katie thought it was evil to collect more Crystal Spheres than needed, it seemed to her like taking someone else's opportunity. Eve had no problem with it. But she explained to Katie that the people who were to fail this Battlelyte would get another chance next year and also that they could get employment from the Police Department. It was a competition not some philosophical exam of living beings.

Raymond had no such thing in mind. He cared for the world, but this time he had to fight for himself. He had been weak all his life, now he had a chance to be powerful. He wanted to show everyone that he was powerful.

A little further away, Alice's eyes widened. Gavin noticed that and asked what happened. There was silence in the area, the wind was blowing loud and clear through the canyon-like area.

"I know who this is," Alice said while focusing her mind on sensing Elemental Energy. "We have someone nearby you'll love to fight."

Gavin smiled nastily. His face seemed full of evil excitement. Alice looked around and pointed at a cliff behind her.

"Attack right over that cliff," she said to Gavin.

Gavin did not even listen to all of it. He summoned fire in his feet and jumped over the cliff immediately. The top view revealed to him his prey walking through the rocks. Raymond, Katie, and Eve sensed Gavin's Elemental Energy and looked up. Eve smiled. Her smile was as nasty as Gavin's.

"Gotcha!" she yelled.


Gavin was in mid-air, he was unable to turn back. When he reached the ground, a net shot from a tree. It captured Gavin and pulled him along into the rocks. Alice reached the top of the cliff to follow Gavin. She was surprised how the attack went down.

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