Chapter 37 - How Much He Cared For Her?

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Eve was running through the ground, jumping over holes and stones. She was worried and tired. She clenched her fist in anger and frustration. When she found Alice lying, she slid near her and shook her head. Eve had no idea if Alice could even heal someone as her hair was cut by Christopher to stop her.

"Alice, wake up! We need you," she said.

Eve continuously shook Alice until she started to move and opened her eyes. Alice woke up and sat upright. She had been unconscious for a long time. She had no idea what had happened. She tried to remember her last memory.

"Alice, Katie is injured," said Eve. "Gavin too."

Hearing that made Alice regret it immediately. She trained hard and learned everything she could and now when the time came, she got herself knocked out and that resulted in many injuries. She had even lost her hair, it would take time for them to be the usual size. She was not even sure if she would be able to heal someone with serious injuries.

"Step aside," Gavin said.

He was panting heavily. Gavin came slowly with Katie in his arms. Even his body hurt with every step he took. The adrenaline rush was gone and his internal injuries were taking over with pain.

He made Katie lie beside Alice and said,

"Heal... her. She sacrificed herself for me."

Alice raised her hands towards Katie's head. Alice glowed with a yellow aura as before, but everyone could tell how weak it was now. Alice concentrated as hard as she could. But Katie's wounds did not heal. She knew her hair was too short. She could not summon the required amount of Elemental energy!

Katie was losing life with every second as it passed. Alice's superior sensing capabilities made it very clear that Katie would die in about a minute.

"She's—" Alice hesitated with her words. She gulped saliva down her throat and said with courage, "She's too far from being saved."

"What?" Eve said in shock.

"No!" Gavin yelled. "She has to live! I have to save her! She's here because of me! I was supposed to protect her and I failed!"


In the waiting room of the East Arena, Finek came running towards Votilda. She was sitting there, waiting for the Battlelyte to be over.

"Vo," Finek said, panting. "The arena has been attacked. I saw it on the screens. Guess who is leading the attack?"

Votilda got excited. She knew whom Finek was talking about. Her father was the only one she wanted to fight and he was there. Votilda started walking towards the door but someone came and blocked the door. An old man in a grey cloak with a number 1 written on it. The 'C' Badge on his chest made it clear who he was: Captain of the Army one.

"I knew I would find you here," he said with a chuckle.

"Sorry, Captain Klabbon," Votilda apologized, "but I need to kill my father!"

"You're naive if you think you can do that," Captain Klabbon said. "Besides, there is a barrier around the location. No one can get in, not even the Masters."

"Then we will shatter the barrier together!" Votilda said.

Finek wanted to calm Votilda down, but there was nothing she would listen to at the moment.

"I'm sorry, dear," Captain Klabbon said. "There is no other way."

He stepped forwards and stretched his hand towards Votilda. She realized something was fishy and tried to dodge but it was too late. Captain Klabbon had already touched Votilda's shoulder. They got surrounded by water and dived out of the place.

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