Chapter 27 - Plans

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The huge Battlelyte Arena had stands for spectators in each direction. The Northern Stands saw a huge screen in front of them going black for a second. The display shifted to another camera almost instantly.

"Hey! That is unfair," a man complained out loud.

"My sister was fighting there! Get the video back!" yelled a woman in the crowd.

Each side of the Arena had one Captain to keep watch. The Northern stands had Captain Foster. He stood up from the crowd. He took his hands out of his grey Cloak with a Captain's badge at his heart and a huge number 4 at the back.

He folded his hand at his back as he gave the incident a thought. He knew that sometimes the screens went black when the wiring was disturbed, but that time, it was only an earthquake. Sure, many participants with Earth Element would be capable of producing an earthquake.


Raymond and Katie were sitting on a tree branch after defeating a team. They had time and they had already cleared the Battlelyte, all they needed to pass was to take those Crystal Spheres out of the Battlelyte arena and they would get to join an Army soon.

The gate they came from had a red light on it. They could turn back and submit those Crystal Spheres. Only the gates with red lights were for passing the test, others were for forfeiting the competition. They already had 2 Crystal Spheres. And they had an offer from Army 4 as Captain Foster announced after their dangerous trip to the Dark Forest 3 months ago.

Raymond and Katie decided to relax and get their strength back. They were sitting; eating sandwiches at the top branches of a tall tree in the forest. They kept looking far away for enemies. Raymond wanted to fight someone powerful. He wanted to test his strength. Katie had no problem staying inside for some fight, so they both decided to stay.

Far in the V. I. P. stands, Master Ellendun cleaned the crystal ball on his Staff. Master Owens felt a little uneasy. He stared at Master Ellendun until he replied,

"Oh, you don't need to worry, I'm just cleaning it. Without casting any spells."

"Good," said Master Owens. "I'm not interested in the future. I never was. It's either a lie or a way to hurt ourselves."

"The future is never the same as I see," Master Ellendun said. "Time is very fragile, it changes even if we change the angle of our necks then the foreseen time."

"Your teams are doing great," said Master Kirason. "Especially yours, Drake."

Master Owens felt great after hearing that. He had never had any students before. Raymond and Katie were his first students. He now understood the pleasure of teaching and the joy of his students achieving their goals. He knew that his students had worked hard since the Ghost incident in the Dark Forest.

"Raymond hasn't shown any signs of rage has he?" asked Master Ellendun.

"No, he's the calmer one," said Master Owens. "He controls his thoughts and emotions well. Katie, on the other hand... well... she throws a tantrum even when her food gets cold."

"Amusing children," Master Kirason said with a chuckle.

Master Ellendun waved his hand and his Staff disappeared. He then turned to Master Owens and confirmed,

"You do know why I gave him under your wing?"

"I do. I'll fulfil my role," Master Owens replied.

Master Ellendun had assigned Raymond and Katie as students to Master Owens long ago. It was after the war had ended 15 years ago. Even before that, Master Owens was asked to keep an eye on them when they were just born.

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