Chapter 10 - Battlelyte

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Gavin's car arrived at the beach house. He saw Eve's car parked in front of the house. He immediately stopped without bothering to park his car. He got out rapidly and rushed for the door. He was late. He thought Eve was here to apply for being Master Wyngaf's student. He could not let her beat him.

He rapidly knocked the door in rage towards Eve. According to him, she used her father's post to get special treatment. She got in the top 5 at Elemental Academy without using her powers just because she was the President's daughter.

The door opened. Gavin calmed down when he saw Master Wyngaf in his normal wheelchair. The place was silent.

"Hello, Gavin. What brings you by?" asked Master Wyngaf after greeting him. Master Wyngaf rolled his wheelchair backwards. Gavin entered.

"Good morning, Master," Gavin greeted. "I am here to apply for being your student. I mean, both me and Alice."

"That's good to hear," Master Owens said thinking about it.

"I have the papers ready," said Gavin. "The formal application and our details. And you know me and Alice. We were in TOP 5 at the Academy."

"Gavin, you know that paperwork is never necessary," said Master Wyngaf.

"I thought of making it quick," said Gavin. "After all, there's no reason to reject our application. Except in the scenario where you already have students. Do you?

"No, Gavin, I don't have any students yet. Never had," said Master Wyngaf.

Master Wyngaf could read Gavin's mind. His mind was focused on Eve. He thought was here to apply as Master Wyngaf's student and as she was the President's daughter, she might get an advantage.

"She's here for different reasons," Master Wyngaf said.

"Oh, that's a relief," Gavin sighed. "So, are we accepted? When can we start?"

Master Wyngaf waited for a few seconds before saying, "Gavin, this might be hard to hear, but I cannot accept you as my student."

"What? Why? Am I not strong enough? Or Alice?" Gavin reacted.

"No, you are quite powerful," said Master Wyngaf. "But, a Master never looks for strong students. This is the ideology you people made."

"Okay," said Gavin. "Have you changed your mind and accepted Finek and Votilda's application then?"

"No," said Master Wyngaf, "I rejected their application yesterday."

"I don't understand. Why are you not accepting us?" Gavin said. It would not be wrong to say he was really frustrated.

Master Wyngaf calmly said, "In the past years, if you know me, you'll know that I have never accepted a student."

"I know, but why? I thought I was worthy," Gavin said.

"You could be," Master Wyngaf said, "but now, as far as I can tell, you are driven by hatred towards Human Beings, and that was the case with every application I had received in these past years. So I rejected every one of them. And I'm rejecting yours too.

"I wouldn't mind accepting Ms Alice Albie, because her will to get stronger isn't driven by hatred towards innocent beings. But I think you two make a great team together in combat. So I wouldn't steal your partner by accepting her application."

Gavin was speechless. Something this common could not be the reason for his rejection. Everyone hated Human Beings. It was simple enough. Harbouring them brought pain and suffering. Wars were fought because humans were protected on one side and killed on the other. Gavin's mind was set on not seeing humans. What brings war must be left aside. Why should he protect someone living so far away and had no direct relationship with him? Also, protecting them would bring more war as Koyaku will never accept humans.

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