Chapter 13 - The Battle

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Raymond and Katie were hiding behind separate trees which were thick enough to cover them. Their clothes and hair were wet from Rebecca's powers. Rebecca was standing in the middle of the street. Jade stood at a side with his arms folded under his Dark Blue Cloak. A normal fight would have been better, but Rebecca was not normal. She had a dagger with her which had weird powers.

Whenever she wanted to use her Element, she waved her dagger in a certain way and her elemental moves would get executed. A weapon like that was great to have. It appeared that Rebecca's Element was water and she had a river flowing near her to boost her powers.

Raymond looked at Rebecca. She waved her Dagger — water near her feet turned into a snake, its size was bigger than a human. She made five such snakes. She waved her Dagger and those water snakes started crawling in all directions. She had an evil pleasuring smile on her face all the time.

"You must be wondering," Rebecca said. "How can my dagger manipulate my Water Element?"

Raymond gritted his teeth. Rebecca continued to speak, assuming that her opponents were hearing.

"People from our nation have nature's gift on their land," Rebecca said. "The metal found there is found nowhere else. This metal is used to make weapons as I have. This metal helps us control our element. These weapons have half of our energy and they grow stronger as we do."

She must be right. A weapon gave her the boost she needed to overpower them. Jade had a sword tied to his waist. It was concealed under his cloak for using when needed.

Ideas began to circle Raymond and Katie's mind. They had to do something. If they could reach closer to the beach house, Master Wyngaf might be able to sense them and send help. But they would not be able to run away easily. Jade and Rebecca were more than what they could take on. If they fought, the outcome would not be a win.

But they had another choice. If they stay hidden for long, enough time would pass and Master Owens or Master Wyngaf would realize something must be wrong. That was the only option they had to get help.

Katie's mind was searching for a way to distract Rebecca and run, but Jade would have his eyes open all the time. He would stop them if Rebecca failed. She and Raymond had to stay prepared in case they had to fight.

"Fire near her, Ray," Katie whispered. "But miss the shot. Do this when we have no other choice."

"Why would I try to miss?" Raymond asked.

"Just listen to me for once," said Katie. She just saw that a water snake was near them.

"Found you!" Rebecca yelled at a distance. She waved her Dagger and all other water snakes surrounded the area near Raymond and Katie.

As they had no choice, Raymond launched a fireball. The fireball moved rapidly but crashed on the street. Raymond missed as Katie had asked him to. Rebecca laughed.

"Looks like you don't have enough training to aim," she said, "Let me teach —"

Rebecca was hit by a lightning bolt at her shoulder. It was Katie's doing. She had made some distance from Raymond while he vapourised one of the water snakes attacking them. The impact of the lightning made Rebecca fall down a meter back. Jade saw it and smiled.

"Not bad," Jade said to Raymond and Katie. He knew it was wise. The fireball was just a distraction so Rebecca would underestimate her opponents and drop her guard. That would be the moment when another attack comes towards her, and this one would be on the target.

Rebecca got up. She was smiling too. Raymond used fire to vapourise another one of the water snakes in his way. Rebecca took her Dark Blue Cloak off, to make things serious. Katie blasted another water snake with her lightning.

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