Chapter 18 - Fierce Fight

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Nine years ago, young Eve, nearly 8 years old. She was crouched on the ground. Her face and clothes were filthy. She was panting, injured at right knee and elbow. She was scared of something around her. There was some kind of black smoke swirling around her. She was confused and terrified.

Young Eve looked at another young girl, June, who was the same as her age. June was also in a similar injured condition. Her clothes were filthy as well. Something had grabbed June's neck and was suffocating her. That huge arm belonged to the most ominous and frightening thing ever seen... a Ghost.

Young Eve crawled a step back in fear.

"I-I'll get help!" She said with a heart beating at the rate of its explosion.

"Save me! Please!" June struggled with her words, "Use your powers, Eve!"

Present Eve, who was 17, woke upright in her bed. She was covered in sweat. She was breathing heavily. She pulled her messed up red hair back and hugged herself. She was shaking with fear.


Votilda was 17 years old. Just like every other day, she was in her casual clothes and had tied her short hair. She liked her styling as it caused negligible problems to fight or train.

Votilda was not in a great mood. She just got off the telephone after talking to Gavin. She had heard that a Zortus member — Christopher had attacked someone a few days ago. Such news was not made public as it would cause panic amongst the citizens. She also heard that Gavin was nearby and might have fought with Christopher.

She just talked to Gavin, he told that he met Christopher but he could not fight him. Gavin did not share any details with her. She got angry as one of her friends did not share such an important event with her. She, Gavin, Alice, and Finek — her boyfriend were friends for years. They all went to the same school.

Later, when Gavin could not take Votilda's anger, he revealed that Finek had asked Gavin to keep his mouth shut. Finek was only trying to protect Votilda, but all her friends knew how important it was for her to defeat Christopher. The only person she despised ever since she was a child.

Even after so much pressure, Gavin did not tell her anything. She knew Gavin went to meet Master Wyngaf on the day the event took place. All she could do now was to go and talk to Master Wyngaf and see if she gets any info.


Raymond and Katie were standing in front of each other in a fighting pose. Master Owens was standing a little away from them. The sky was rumbling a little away from the beach.

"You'll stop the fight when I tell you. Okay?" Master Owens clarified.

"Got it," Raymond said.

Katie nodded.

Raymond and Katie had been training at their best for a few days. To be accurate, the event with Jade and Rebecca — followed by Christopher's arrival — had motivated them to work hard and grow stronger.

To check how strong they had grown, Master Owens decided to make the two of them fight. At first, Raymond and Katie were not sure about going full-on against each other. They would not like to injure one another. But then, Master Owens assured that there was nothing to worry about, he would step in whenever things would go out of hand.

"Start!" Master Owens announced.

Raymond and Katie ran towards each other to attack. Raymond released fire, Katie changed her path. Raymond made the beam of fire follow Katie, she circled Raymond. He got tired and the fire stopped. Katie sneaked closer and punched Raymond. He stepped back. Katie released a lightning bolt on Raymond. He got hit and fell a few meters back.

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