Chapter 2 - The New World

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It was not long ago when Katie lived a normal human life as well. One fateful day, she accidentally blew up her study lamp. Master Owens came the next minute and informed her about everything. Luckily, her father was at home at that time, it was weird, but Master Owens's words were truly convincing. The reason why the Elemental Powers were not discovered easily was the dampening caused by Communication frequencies. They were discovered only in cases where the person is tired, stressed, angry or hurt. As the senses go dull in such cases, the body emits Elemental Energy. Katie was tired that day.

Just like at Katie's time, Master Owens explained everything to Raymond too. The tale about two Earths, how he got here, that was through an existing hidden portal, and also that very few human beings had such powers. Master Owens was a Master Level Elemental being, he wished to train Raymond in his ability to help others. There were jobs in the Elemental World where these powers could be used for various tasks and also in the army.

It was hard to get all this, but Raymond maintained a calm face through all of it. He had also been weak and insignificant, maybe this was his chance to get some meaning from his life. Master Owens left the decision on Raymond; to stay or not. It appeared as though he knew that Raymond would choose to stay.

Raymond was really considering not returning to his home. He knew there was no home, he knew there was no one for him to return to. If he stayed here, he could start a new life, a fresh one, like a clean slate to write on. Not everyone got that. He had questions and doubts in his mind for sure. But he had time to get everything sorted.


After Raymond had decided to stay as Katie had, they were in Master Owens's car to buy some clothes and supplies for him and her. Katie and Master Owens did not ask him why he chose to stay. It would be pressuring. All of them were new people for each other, it would be best if things were known gradually.

After reaching a place. They got out of the car and started walking towards a busy alley. There were shops of clothes, shoes, books, etc. There were pet stores, book stores, pubs, etc. This world seemed so much like his home, Raymond could not control his happiness. He could start his new life in this similar world and finally change things about him.

"This is so similar to Human Earth — " Raymond was saying but Master Owens blocked him by placing his hand on Raymond's mouth.

"You, idiot!" scolded Katie. "Why did you say that?"

Raymond was confused and frightened at the same time. Katie's face was frightened. Master Owens was looking all around them calmly. He was trying to find anyone who had heard them, but the noise and crowd all around them were as before.

"It's okay, Katie," said Master Owens, "go into that shop, the owner is my friend, he knows we were coming. Go in there and shop whatever you need, and buy clothes you are comfortable to train in, you'll be needing those. Also, buy something to swim in. I will take a quick look around and be there. Don't come outside until I come back."

Katie pulled Raymond towards the shop and they entered. Master Owens was lost in the crowd by then. Raymond was still confused.

"What did I do wrong?" he asked.

"It's not your fault," said Katie. "Both of us forgot to tell you that you cannot mention here that we are humans. People here don't like humans. There are people who hate us because some wars took place in the past. I have been here for a week and there have been 2 articles about a human girl being present in the Elemental World. They don't have my picture as I don't meet people. So that's a relief."

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