Chapter 20 - Battle Royale

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After seeing Gavin being punched out of the house by Raymond. Votilda got angry. She ran towards Raymond to hit him.

"You worthless being!" Votilda yelled.

She swung her fist at Raymond. He took a step back to avoid it. Votilda's hit was Aarav who was standing next to him. Raymond thought Votilda's attack would be strong, but Aarav stood there like a boulder. He did not move even a muscle. Votilda quickly stepped back to increase the distance.

Raymond summoned fire in his hand to continue his fight, Aarav shoved him aside from behind.

"She's mine, get aside," Aarav said.

Finek sensed the danger. He gathered lightning forming a bolt in his hand and pointed it at Aarav. But he immediately saw it would be pointless. Aarav was on a wooden floor and had rubber shoes. He was well trained as well. Votilda did not think much. She aimed a fireball straight at Aarav. He deflected it out of the window with no trouble.

"It's insulting," Aarav said, "you know my strength even after that you are not using your full power."

"Hey, moron! I was on your side!" Raymond said to Aarav after getting up. "Why did you stop me?"

"I was the one going to punch Gavin," Aarav said, "and you did it getting in my way. I hate it when people get in my way."

Votilda and Finek got into fighting formation in front of Aarav. He got ready too. Raymond did not want to fight Finek.

"Stop all this!" Master Wyngaf said, "you will hurt yourselves."

Gavin came flying in like a missile from outside right at that very instant. He punched Aarav and Raymond with either of his hands. They were thrown into the other wall which broke and they crashed on the beach.

Master Wyngaf's jaw dropped. Gavin had an evil smile on his face. His face was full of excitement.

"How about now, Aarav?" He shouted at Aarav at the beach.

"Gavin! That was too much!" Alice yelled at him.

"Raymond!" Katie screeched in worry.

Eve knew that it didn't look good. She wanted to stop it, but she had no idea how. Master Wyngaf did not stop them. Maybe he wanted to keep things going until the required moment arrived. She knew Master Ellendun brought all of the competitors in one place for a reason. If his reason was a brawl between them, then it was quite careless of him. Eve looked at Annie and said,

"Annie, your partner just got hit with a serious blow. Shouldn't you go and look at him? Or at least fight Gavin?"

"Nah," Annie said. She seemed so carefree. She sat on the couch and relaxed, "I know Aarav can take it."

"He can take that?" Finek asked Shockingly.

Votilda probably wanted to say something, but she hated Annie very much. Annie was just in the Top 10. Even then, she was selected as Master Ellendun's student— the head of the Masters' Committee. Annie was selected just because she could fight better at Aarav's side.

"You and Aarav shouldn't have been selected as Master Ellendun's students," Votilda said, "Humans must not get a chance before our people."

Annie made a dramatic face and said, "It's not that way, Vo. It's about justice and equality."

Votilda stepped towards Annie. And said in rage,

"Don't call me that."

Katie stepped forward. Katie knew Annie did not want to fight, so she did not want Votilda to force her to. She stood near Votilda and said,

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