Chapter 30 - Intrusion

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At the northern stands, the crowd of people consisting of families, kids, youngsters, and the elderly enjoyed the fights through the huge screens kept to entertain them. They made noises as 3 screens went black suddenly.

Immediately after the black screens, new camera positions were covering the screens. The system was programmed to be that way, if a camera connection was lost in a battle, the screens were to show another camera's view so that the audience would not get bored. During that, a team of technical geniuses were to go and set that camera back again.

There were people in the audience whose kids and siblings were fighting and suddenly the screens went black for no reason. They hated it when the camera covering their loved ones disconnected and some other fight was shown.

Behind all the crowd, Captain Foster was standing with his hands folded. Same Grey Cloak, with number "4" at its back and a badge with "C" at front. He was not satisfied with the connection issues as well. There were a few whose fights he wanted to witness himself.

A woman in her late twenties, nearly the same age as Captain Foster, walked to him in the same Grey Cloak, with the number "5" at its back also badge with "C". She was Captain Raye.

"Looks like the technical team is not doing well," she said.

"No. This seems serious," said Captain Foster.

He was counting and that was when the 10th camera went off. And none of them were repaired as the feed did not continue as far as he remembered.

Captain Raye also understood it well. At first, she thought the technical team was slacking off again. But, now it seemed like someone who was doing it from the inside, was also stopping the Technical team from repairing them.

"I think we can assume the answer," said Captain Raye. "Some participants might have turned rebellious."

It was not rare, some participants kept harassing others in the Battlelyte, it happened almost every year. Some of the participants who did not want to win in the first place or some who were more powerful than others pulled such things off many times.

"I doubt that," said Captain Foster. "I think the real rebels are here."

Captain Raye was shocked. It could not be. Army 1,2, 4, and 5 were guarding the city. No one could have passed through that many layers of security. That year's Battlelyte was taking place in Serice. It was one of the very few cities which held damper networks in crowded areas to avoid Elemental Crime.

If the real Rebels, Zortus or the people from Koyaku were to intrude, getting in through the air would get attention. There could have been no way for the intruders to enter.

"I think they entered through the ground," Captain Foster said.

"That's unlikely," said Captain Raye as she gave it a thought, "but it does seem possible."

It was possible indeed. The dampers worked even underground, but if the intruders got so deep that the dampers could not affect them, it would work for them. Although it seemed possible, in practical life, they would have consumed all the oxygen and died before they got to the floor.

Captain Foster was curious to know how the intruders pulled that off. He knew all of that stunt could be pulled off by having some one with Wind Element. If the intruders reached right under the Battlelyte Arena, the dampers would be off as Battlelyte had to allow the use of Elemental Powers.

Captain Foster stopped himself from getting any further with his thoughts as he had no proof yet. Besides, if the intruders entered through the underground, Master Ellendun would have found their presence. Every year, Master Ellendun used magical spells to guard the underground break-ins.

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