O!Izuku x A!reader

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(btw, if there are any spelling or grammar errors, please tell me. I'm typing really fast to get this done and sometimes I click the wrong letter)

You were sitting in your room, watching your friend sense childhood start nesting in the middle of your floor. You take out your phone and snap a picture of him before sending it to your beta friends, Uraraka and tsu. They reply with 'awww! How cute!' and 'thats adorable'

Once Izuku was done nesting, he sat in the center of it with a proud smile. You smile softly at him. "Hey, Zuzu. Can I sit with you?" You ask. He nods quickly and makes some room for you. You sit behind him and hug him, resting your head on his shoulder.

You purr softly and stuff your face into his neck, making the small Omega blush a bit. "Mmmm... You smell minty..." You say softly, making the boy more flustered. "(Y/n), d-don't say that..." He says, still very flustered. You chuckle softly and kiss him on the shoulder.

Izuku squeaks in surprise and looks at you. He then blushes a cherry red and leans his head away from you a bit. You kiss over his cent gland and he squeaks again. "(Y-Y/n)..." He says quietly. "Hey, Zuzu... Can I-" "y-yes!" He then clears his throat and looks away. "I-I mean, uhh... Y-yeah..."

You smile softly and kiss over his cent gland again, covering his mouth tightly before biting his neck. He squirms a bit and makes a few noises before calming down.

You remove your teeth from his neck and look down at the mark you left. You kiss it softly and smile. "Now your all mine..." You say softly. Izuku blushes more with a weak and shaky sigh. "Y-yeah... Th-thank you..." He says quietly.

Someone opens your door and looks at the two of you sitting in the center of Izuku's nest. You look over to see that it was another Alpha. You growl at them and pull Izuku closer. The person in the doorway, who was now known to be Bakugo, puts his hands up to show that he was not going to take Izuku form you.

"Oi, calm your tits. I'm just here to tell you that Sato made waffles and he wanted me to go get you."

You grumble and stand up, picking Izuku up with you. You walk out of the door and down to the dining table, sitting down with Izuku now in your lap. You already had a plate ready for you, and Izuku did as well. He started to eat his food while you rest your head on his shoulder.

"I love you, Zuzu..."


"Yeah... Always have, always will..."

Bakugo pipes up from across the table. "You Two Get A Room!"

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