Denki x reader

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(Among us au! Gore warning, a few people might get brutally killed in this oneshot so be warned.)

You were standing in the electrical room, doing your wires task with a smile as you hum to yourself. You enjoyed this task, it gave you time to think.

Once you finished, you smiled and turned around. You start walking out, before spotting something. Your head turns slowly to the right. And there it was. Jiro's mauled, mutilated, bloody remains splattered around the wall and floor of the area as her body lay lifeless and ripped open.

You scream in terror and stay frozen in place. You couldn't look away, no matter how much you wanted to. Tears streamed down your face behind your helmet as you shake in fear. Denki rushes to you and, before he could say anything, he froze with his eyes on Jiro's dead body.

Denki stands there in shock, then looks at you. He gently takes your hand and gets you out of there before hugging you close. "It's ok... it's all gonna be ok... I promise..." he says softly, trying to calm you down. You cling to him as the others start to run over, asking questions. You simply point to the electrical room with a little sob.

Everybody goes to the cafeteria to talk about what happened. You cling to Denki's yellow suit as you try to forget about what happened, drowning out everything around you besides Denki's steady heart beat.

You stuff your face in to Denki's chest, and he gently wraps his arms around you. He starts talking to the others, clearing himself and you from being a suspect as he holds you close. He takes your helmet off gently and runs his fingers through your hair. "It's ok... it'll all be ok..." he says softly.

You calm down a little and just stay close to Denki while everybody talks among themselves. You hear something about someone being suspicious, but you didn't hear who. You didn't understand what was happening or why it was happening, all you understood was that your best friend was gone and someone else you knew was next.

Everybody soon goes to do their own thing and you stay close to Denki, still scared and confused. You put your helmet back on and hold his hand slightly. You go in to the med bay to scan yourself and denki follows. Though, when you asked him to scan after you, he backed off a bit and gave some sort of excuse you didn't really pay attention to.

You and Denki go around, you doing all of your tasks and denki avoiding most of them. It was a bit odd, but you didn't pay much attention to that.

After some time, you hear a scream. You look around a bit. Denki is nowhere to be seen. The scream was in the room you, and it was muffled so you doubted anybody else herd it. You pause what you were doing and started making your way to the room you herd the scream come from.

You freeze in horror. Another dead body. This time, it was Ojiro. You saw Denki standing over him, blood on his suit and a knife in his hand.

Then, he looks at you. You are frozen in fear as he keeps his eyes on you. Though, you stay silent. Denki moves to the vents and hops down them. When you finally notice he was gone, you fall to your knees.

You grab your walkie talkie out of your pocket and turn it on. Your voice was choked up in a sob as tears streamed down your face. "I-I found a-another body... I-In the camera r-room..." You say weakly.

Everybody gathers around the cafeteria table and starts to talk, trying to figure out who was killing everybody. You didn't speak, though. You knew who it was, but you didn't want to rat him out and get him kicked off of the ship into space.

You look at Denki. He seems to have cleaned most of the blood off of his suit. But, he missed a spot on his side. You hug him, and wipe the blood off of his side. Then, you just hold him. He gently wraps his arms around you and sighs.

Then, you go completely still once you hear Mina speak from the other side of the table. "Why is Y/N the only one finding the bodies? That's a little suspicious, if you ask me." She said. Denki glared at Mina from under his yellow helmet as her eyes stay on you.

Mineta pipes up from next to you. "Yeah, that's pretty suspicious. Maybe we should throw Y/N out just in case?"

Most of the crew nod in agreement as Denki starts protesting and saying that you were innocent. Though, nobody listened. They all grab you and start heading towards the door. You keep your eyes on denki as he is restrained so he doesn't try to grab you and pull you away from the door.

Denki shouts and cries, struggling to get out as they open the first door. They throw you in and you keep your eyes on Denki as the doors close. The second door starts to open, but stops abruptly and shuts fast after screams were herd inside.

The first door slowly slid open, revealing Denki standing on the other side. Dead bodies were all around, and he was covered in blood. You were frozen in place. You count the bodies. "You missed a few..." you say quietly. You knew the exact number of people on the ship. Denki had killed most, but missed about five.

Then, denki gets shoved into the room with you and the door closes quickly. The second door opens slowly and the two of you are sucked out into space. Denki grabs your hand and pulls you to him, then hugs you close as the two of you float through space.

Denki was warm, unlike the freezing cold around you. You stay close to him, resting your head on his shoulder. "Denki... I don't wanna die..." you whimpered. Denki sighs and hugs you close. "It's gonna be ok... even if we do die, at least it was together..." he says, his tone soft as he rubs your back.

You sigh and close your eyes, relaxing a bit as you listen to your suit warn you about low oxigin.

Denki's suit does the same.

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