Izuku x reader

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You sit in a Cafe, sipping on your favorite drink as you watch the news on your phone. Some rogue villain was on the loose, disguising himself as a Cafe worker then burning his "work place" down. You almost spit out your drink as you see the picture of the guy. It was the guy at the register in the Cafe you were it. What good luck, huh?

You pull up your contacts and start texting your best friend, who was also a hero, Momo. You told her about the situation you were in and she told you she was on her way. But, she wasn't fast enough. The villain figured out what you were doing and set the building on fire before making his escape.

You try to get out of the building as fast as possible, but you got trapped in the building by a fallen burning pile of ceiling tiles. You try to put out the fire with your drink, but it just makes it worse. You panick. Fire was blocking your way to any kind of water and your lungs were filling with smoke. You cough and scream for help.

You hear a familiar voice from outside. "Oh My God, (Y/n) Is Still Inside The Building!" Momo shouts from outside. Tears brim your eyes. That could be the last time you hear her voice. You fall to your knees and cough again. You start crying, your life flashing before your eyes.

Then, you see something. A human like figure fighting through the fire in front of the door. You look up at the figure before noticing it was vaguely familiar. But, your vision was too clouded with smoke and tears to actually figure out who it was. All you could make out were worried emerald green eyes and a mop of green hair.

The strange figure picks you up and covers your mouth and nose with some sort of mask. You could instantly breath better, but you could hear the person holding you start to cough. But before anything else happened, you passed out.

You woke up almost an hour later to sirens blaring and that same familiar person sitting in an ambulance next to you with a worried expression on their face. Your eyes adjust a little and you finally see them clearly. It was the pro hero Deku, and he was watching you like a hawk. He noticed your eyes were open and he smiled brightly. "Your awake." His voice was soft, and sounded relieved.

You look around a little and suddenly felt a strange leathery sensation on your left arm. You look over and your eyes go wide. Your arm was burnt to a crisp. Guess you were too panicked and filled with adrenaline to notice your arm was getting charred by the roaring flames.

You sigh quietly. "That's gonna get amputated, isint it..." you mumble. Deku nods sadly. "Yeah... but! Don't worry, I have a friend that can make you a robotic arm! I've known her sense high-school. Though, don't be surprised if you can shoot fire or something from your hands. She tends to go overboard with things." He says with a little chuckle.

You smile at the awkward hero. "Thank you..." you say softly, grateful that he pulled you from the fire. You were happy it was him, too. Not because he was the number one hero, but because he was so kind. "No problem! Umm, b-but would you mind if I stayed with you in the hospital room..? I want to make sure your ok..." Deku says softly.

You nod at the green haired boy, earning a soft smile from him. "Only if I can get your number and a date." You say, chuckling after as you spot his flustered expression. "O-oh my..."

You couldn't water to get out of the hospital, though you weren't even there yet. You wanted to learn more about Deku.

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