alpha!Kirishima x shy!omega! reader

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YOU were walking to the common room when you smelled something. An aggravated cent from an alpha. You hid behind the stairwell and sniffed the air again. It's one of the five alphas in the class. Besides you, Higakure, Sero, and Ururaka, there's no other omegas. The cent didn't have a caramel tint to it so it's not Bakugou, Midoria is out with his omega, Ururaka, Todoroki is out eating soba with his mom, and Denki is being Denki.

Sero taped him to the ceiling and he's laughing his ass off. You couldant smell Mina. You started to panic as you figured out who the cent is coming from. 'Oh no, who upset Kirishima!?' You thought franticly as you gripped your hoody. It was a gift from Midoria on Christmas. He didn't know what size you were so the hoody is two sizes to big. You walked down the stairs and cought another cent. It was Mina, and she was pissed. You walked around the corner and looked at the two. They were growling at each other. They must be fighting over who gets the couch because they kept going after it, but the other blocked it before they got there. You timidly walked over to the couch and plopped down on the side farthest from them. You're guessing they smelled your terrified cent because they looked over at you with a worried look.

Kirishima walked over to you and sat next to you. Mina let out a small growl before making her way to the other, smaller couch. Kirishima looked at you with a soft smile. " what's wrong, (y/n)? Are you alright?" You nodded and hid in your hoody. " y-yeah, it's just, I-I got a little scared." You said meekly. You trembled a bit, thinking about how it would have gone if you weren't there.

You felt two strong arms wrap around you and pull you. Kirishima pulled you into his lap and hugged you firmly and protectivly. You sniffed the air and picked up Denki's cent. It was sweat and strong. He was trying to get you to submit to him and be his. Wait, how did he get down from the ceiling without making any noise? Anyways, back to the main problem. You leaned on to Kirishima's chest and whimpered in fear. Denki was getting closer, and you could hear Kirishima growling slightly as he held you tighter. You gripped on to his shirt as Denki was right in front of the two of you. " hay, buddy! Why not let go of that omega and we'll all be alright!" You could tell he was in rut (is that how you use it in this sinareo?) You trembled in fear. Kirishima snarled at him. " leave my omega alone!" He shouted. You stiffened and blushed. Denki growled. " I don't see any mark!" He yelled. You snapped. " DENKI YOU ASS FUCKING BITCH LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE! GO FUCK SERO OR SOMETHING!" You screamed. He looked shocked, but he growled and stomped off.

Kirishima squeezed you tightly and smiled. " you're so cool! Telling off an alpha in rut is so dangerous! I can't believe you did it without dieing!" He praised. You giggled a little. " I-I didn't know I c-could do it either." You shuddered. Kirishima nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck. He smelled your cent gland and let out a small purr. " you smell really good, too. Did anyone ever tell you that?" He said. You blushed. Kirishima continued to sniff your cent gland. He pulled you closer to him and buried his nose back into the crook of your neck. You shuddered at his behavior. You didn't mind, but it was all so sudden. He noticed this and pulled away from you. He seemed disappointed. " I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. If you want, I'll go away." He said while standing up. You stood up with him and hugged him. You rested your nose near his cent gland and toke in a big whiff of his cent. You purred. " no. My alpha. Don't leave me." You pleaded. Kirishima chuckled and picked you up. He carried you to his room and sat you on his bead. He bent over and kissed you on the nose. He then left the room.

You got up and searched through his closet. You found a bunch of shirts and spare blankets that smelled like him. You dragged them all out of the closet and spread them out on a spot on the floor. You made a circle with some blankets and started to border it with the shirts and other blankets. You grabbed some of his pillows and put them in the center of your new nest. You walked back into his closet, turned on the light, and shut the door. You found one of the shirts he wares the most and grabbed it. You toke off your hoodie and t-shirt. You slipped on Kirishima's shirt and walked out of the closet. You grabbed your other cloths and turned off the closet light. You set your cloths in your nest and sat down in the center.

Kirishima walked back into the room with snacks, juice, and movies. He looked at your nest and smiled. " so, you feel safest in the middle of my floor?" He asked. You shook your head. " I-I feel safest when I'm around you!" He chuckled and almost stepped in your nest but stopped himself just in time. You looked an him with a smile. " you can come in, I won't mind." You said cheerfully. He stepped in to your nest and sat next to you. " so what movie do you want to-" " Deadpool 2!" You cheered. He popped the movie into the DVD player and sat back down next to you. You instantly latched on to his side and kissed his cheek. " I love you." You said with a cute smile. You could see something in Kirishima's eyes change.

He whipped himself around and pinned you to the ground in a blink of an eye. He got on top of you and looked you dead in the eyes. He moved his head down to the crook of your neck. " hay, can I mark you?" He whispered in a low, bone chilling voice. You shivered at the feeling of his breath on your skin. You moved your head to where he had easy access to your neck. He started to kiss around your neck. You let out soft whimpers from time to time. Kirishima bit down on your neck and you inhaled sharply. You covered your mouth so you wouldn't let out any loud moans and call the unwanted attention of your classmates. Kirishima pulled away from you and smiled. " now your my omega, and no one can change that." He said while getting closer to your face.

He kissed your jawline and trailed down to your neck. He stopped at your mark and stayed there for a minute. He moved his head away and looked at you. " did it hurt you?" He asked. You shook your head rapidly and caressed his cheek. " Kiri, your fine. You are my alpha now, and that's all that matters. I love you." He moved to where he was sitting up. You did the same and looked at him. You kissed him on the cheek and trailed them down his neck. You gave him a few hickeys and pulled away.

You and Kirishima herd rapid thumping and muffled moans from upstairs. It was coming from Denki's room. " wow, I didn't think he'd take the whole fucking Sero thing seriously." Kirishima groaned. You furrowed your eyebrows and buried your face into his chest. " ugh, I can smell them." You wined. Kirishima chuckled and patted you on the head. " well, we can drown out the sound with our own~" he said suductivly. You purred and leaned on his chest. " alright, what do you have in mind?"

" Fuck!" Kirishima yelled, both of you sweating like crazy.

He lost at the game of Mario cart the two if you were playing.

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