Izuku x reader

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(Zombie Apocalypse au)

You walk down the road with your group of friends, a bat slung over your shoulder as the others point their guns at anything and everything that moved. You sigh and look at your friend, Mina. "Yo pinky. Can you tell the girls to stop shooting everything that moves? I think Gravity shot a living person a few blocks back." You said. Your group uses nicknames instead of your real names because you started calling Mina pinky and the rest of the girls got jealous.

You spot a person walking about a block away and wave to the girls to keep their guns away and to look. Ururaka squeals quietly. "Oh my God he's so cute! Do you think he's single?" She asked. The person herd Ururaka and turned his head towards the group.

There was blood all over his shirt. One of his eyes were hanging out of the socket. And he had blood dripping from his mouth. Ochako sighs and points her gun at him. "Damn. Hot zombie. This is gonna hurt me more than him..."

You point her gun down and slowly start walking towards the zombie. The girls freak out. "(Y/n)! Are you crazy!?" Momo shouts.

You keep moving towards the zombie. He starts walking towards you, but stops and takes a step back after noticing the rest of the squad was pointing their guns at him. You keep walking towards him though.

Once right in front of him, you reach over and grab his twitching dangling eye that still seemed to work. You popped it back into his eye socket and he smiles a little. "Th-Tha... nk-ks..." he mumbles. You smile brightly. "No problem. Do you... want to join me and my friends..?" You ask, a little smile on your face.

He nods with a smile. You gently grab his hand and walk back to your group. "I'll call you... Deku. It was... the nickname I gave a friend when we were little... you remind me of him..."

(Part 2 coming soon. Part 2 is gonna be a couple months after cuz I'm lazy and my phone is almost dead.)

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