Izuku x reader 2!

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(Zombie Apocalypse part 2!!)

You sit on the couch, watching the TV that somehow still worked. You were watching a series as Deku sits in a cage in the corner of the room. He had accidentally bitten someone in the squad while they were trying to feed them. Thankfully, he didn't break any skin.

You look over at Deku, who was wearing a muzzle and was handcuffed. He growls quietly at somebody who passed him. It was Aoyama. Aoyama had tried giving Deku a makeover for some reason and accidentally poked him in the eye. Deku was still pissed off at him.

You chuckle softly and stand up, walking towards Deku. He smiles instantly when he spots you and presses his muzzle against the cage in excitement. You open his cage and take off his handcuffs. You slip off his muzzle and he gives you a look of joy and excitement. "Lunch time." You say, walking to the kitchen of the large house you and your squad lived in.

Deku follows you as you pull out a raw steak from inside the fridge. You hand it to Deku and he takes it put of your hands carefully. He's always been careful with you, not wanting to accidentally hurt you.

You smile slightly at him as he eats his food. After, you kneel down to the bottom of the fridge and grab your favorite snack. Deku keeps his eyes on you, watching you intently as one of your squad members keeps a gun pointed at him.

You stand and pat Deku on the head before walking with him to the couch. You sit down and watch the animated shows and news playing on the TV, sense there was still an Apocalypse going on and it was much safer to stay away from possibly infected people.

You lean back and eat your snack, Deku leaning on your shoulder. You smile softly as he rests his head in the crook of your neck. You tensed a little after, but calmed down sense you trusted him. He smiles a little and closed his eyes, snuggling up to you. You rest your hand on his head and comb your fingers through his hair.

A couple of your squad members keep a close eye on Deku, still not trusting him around you. You didn't pay attention to them, just watching the TV and relaxing with Deku.

{TimeSkip Hours Later Cuz I'm Lazy}

You put Deku back in his cage with his hands cuffed to the ground and the muzzle on his face with a little yawn. "Sorry bud, but I gotta go to sleep... it's getting late..." you say softly to him before walking to your room.

You lay in your bed and curl up under your warm blankets, listening as the night shift house protectors wake up in the other room and get ready to keep the house safe. You smile, feeling safe enough to go to sleep. Though, you'd wake up in the middle of the night to shuffling in the hallway.

You open your eyes to see deku standing there, his cuffs broken and his muzzle nowhere to be seen. You freeze as he starts walking closer to you. He flops down on the bed next to you and wraps his arms around you, hugging you close. You were a bit surprised.

After a moment, you relax against his chest and snuggle up to him. He was oddly warm, and it was comforting. You smile and close your eyes as he rests his head on your shoulder. You smile to yourself, happy to have someone with you. You slowly drift to sleep, comfortable in Deku's arms as he hums to you quietly.

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