Tamaki x Reader x Mirio

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(Yes, we're doing Tamaki and Mirio at the same time. Deal with it.)

You sit quietly in your room, huddled up in your blanket burrito your boyfriends put you in as you wait for them to return with snacks so movie night could start. You stare at the door, starting to grow impatient untill...

Mirio basically busts through the door holding three family sized bags of chips as Tamaki sheepishly walks in after, holding three big bottles of pop/soda.

You smile brightly as they walk over. "We're back! Time to get this movie night STARTED!" Mirio cheers, plopping down next to you as Tamaki scoots his way behind you.

He grabs you gently and pulls you close, holding you against his chest with a shy smile as Mirio pouts. "Hey! I wanna hug (y/n), too! You gotta share!" The blond complains.

You giggle softly and break free from your blanket cocoon, then open your arms for Mirio. He instantly hugs your waist, face stuffed into your stomach as he lays in front of you. You smile softly and play with his hair. "I love you both so much..." you say softly. You get an 'I love you, too' from Mirio and a kiss on the head from Tamaki. That was his way of telling you he loved you.

You close your eyes and lean against Tamaki's chest as you continue to play with Mirio's hair. You start humming softly, causing Tamaki to join you as the two of you accidentally make Mirio fall asleep.

You slowly fall asleep yourself after some time, followed by Tamaki about an hour after. This happens often when the three of you cuddle together. One falls asleep, then the other two eventually fallow.

guess movie night will have to wait till tomorrow. Again.

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