Kirishima x reader x Bakugo kinda

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(Au where everything is like the movie The Silence. You don't need to watch the movie to understand, all you need to know is that there are these blind creatures called Vesps and they rely completely on sound, attacking any sound they hear. Picture above is what they look like.)

(Y/n) POV.

I walk swiftly, yet silently, my bare feet silent against the damp grass as I keep my eyes forward. I clutch the straps of my bookbag I had filled with supplies in an abandoned Walmart not to long ago.

One of my friends I had survived this long with had broken her leg, and then had said leg attacked by the sky demons that the others insist on calling "Vesps". I make it to the house me and the others were staying at.

I look around a little and my eyes narrow slightly. Vesps were covering the trees and sircling a car far away. I could tell, because I could hear the alarm. I walk into the house quietly, shutting the door slowly before making my way to the couch. "Here Mina... for your leg..." I whisper to her as I hand her the bag. She smiles at me and takes it.

I smile at her before turning around. I spot Izuku waving me over and I walk to him swiftly. "You might want to go check on Kirishima... he's... still not taking the loss very well..." he whispers to me. I nod slowly.

Kirishima had been really upset and quiet ever sense we lost bakugo to the Vesps a few weeks ago... After being trapped in a car swarmed by Vesps, he had sacrificed himself so we could escape... And Kirishima had taken it the worst... Sometimes I wonder how he hasn't just ended it yet...

I walk to Kirishima's room and knock almost silently on the slightly open door before pushing it open. I walk to Kirishima, who was sitting silently on his bed, just staring at a wall.

I sit next to Kirishima, resting a hand on his shoulder as I look at him. "I know it's sad... I miss him too, you know..." I say softly.

Kirishima suddenly turned to me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug. After a moment, I felt a small wet spot on my shoulder. He was sobbing quietly.

I gently rest my hand on his head and hug him close. "It's ok... he's in a better place... watching over us and waiting for us to join him when our time comes..." I tell the sobbing red head softly.

Kirishima just keeps crying quietly, hugging me closer as he sobs. He had told me before that it always made him feel better when he could hold me. I smile softly and start humming quietly to him, trying to calm him down.

I feel a presence in the room other than mine or Kirishima's, and I look around slightly. I look next to kirishima and see a little dent in the bed, like someone was sitting there. I smile softly. I knew who was there. "Hey, kirishima... you know Bakugo is never really gone, right..? He's always with us, and always will be... you just can't see him..."

Kirishima sniffles slightly and nods. "I know... I just miss being able to see and talk to my best friend... it's like he isint even there..." he mumbles.

A soft, quiet voice echoes through the room.

"Shitty hair... I'm right next to you..."

Kirishima smiles a bit and looks next to him. "I miss you, Bakugo..." "yeah, me too... we all miss you so much..." I say softly from next to Kirishima. Bokugo's spirit scoffs slightly into a soft chuckle.

"I miss you dumb fucks too..."

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