Sero x reader

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(Apocalypse AU!!)

You were sitting on the floor of your bathroom, wrapping some wounds as you glare at the zombie in a cage across the room. "This is why we have the muzzle!" Your friend, Mina, shouts from the other room. The zombie had bitten you while you were feeding him. It wasn't fatal, though, as you were able to get your hand free before he could break skin. "How is he supposed to eat through that thing!?" You shout back at her.

You had found a fairly docile zombie wondering the streets a while back and thought it would be nice to take him in and try to be his friend. But, things didn't go as planned. You had gotten bitten a few times while feeding him and an acquaintance of yours had been turned into the undead when he got his hand bitten off by the hungry beast on the other side of the room from you.

You stand after bandaging your hand and grab the last of the zombies food. "Ok, Hanta. We're gonna try this one more time. And no biting, ok?" He nods and you let him out of the cage. you slightly reach your hand with his food out to him and he gently grips the food with his teeth before slowly pulling it off your hand enough to get a better grip on it. The only reason he wasn't using his hands was because they were cuffed together. He was a smart zombie and had learned how to unlock the cage from the inside.

You smile softly at your zombie friend and ruffle his hair. "Your adorable when not trying to kill me." You say sweetly, somehow causing the zombie boy to blush. You hug him lightly, forgetting he was a zombie for a moment and leaving your neck completely exposed and right next to the zombies mouth. Mina was panicking from the doorway and had pulled her gun out just incase he tried anything funny.

Sero gently rests his head against your neck and closes his eyes, smiling lightly and making a soft purring sound. You giggle softly and start gently and slowly rocking back and forth, humming a soothing song as the zombie yawns lightly.

After about a half an hour of you humming, sero had fallen asleep in your arms. You slowly and hesitantly uncuffed his hands, witch caused him to wake up a little. He gently rested his arms around you in a gentle hug as you smiled softly and started humming to him again.

°•~{Time Skip Middle Of The Night}~•°

You were in your room, laying in your bed and looking up at the ceiling. You sense someone staring at you and you look to the doorway. Standing there, in the middle of your room, was Sero. Cuffs broken in half with the chains dangling as he looks at you intently. You freeze completely and look him directly in the eyes. "H-hey there, buddy... w-what are you doing... out of your cage..." you say softly as you not provoke him. He grunts lightly as a response before walking closer. You back into your wall before hiding under your blanket. I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die! You think to yourself as you feel a spot on your bed sink.

After a moment, you feel to arms wrap around you gently and pull you against Sero's chest. You uncover your head a little after you hear him start to hum the same song you were humming tonhim earlier. You smile and snuggle up to his chest a little. To your surprise, you hear a slow and steady heartbeat. It was soothing and you start drifting to sleep.

You wake up hours later, feeling a small pain in your neck. You start panicking a bit before realising something. Sero had probably bitten you. You were asleep and vulnerable in his arms for hours, why wouldn't he have taken that chance? You gently get out of his arms and head to the bathroom. You look at your neck, and instantly blush deeply.

There were no bite marks, but there were a few bruises. Hickeys to be exact. Sero had sucked on your neck while the two of you were sleeping. It was still way better than a bite, though. Even if you do get odd looks.

Sero wakes up and whines a little before sniffing the air. He shuffles out of the room and finds you before slumping against your back in a tired hug. You look at him with a blush and he just purrs, starting to gently nibble at your shoulder. "H-Hanta, be careful. Y-you could break the skin and-" you were cut off by a sudden pain shooting through your shoulder and everywhere around it.

Sero had bitten you.

He hadn't broken the skin and infected you, but it still hurt like hell. "Hanta, what the hell is wrong with you. You literally could have killed me."

"Oops, sorry."

"You Can Talk!?"

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