Shoto x reader: dorm sleep over 2

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" well, one of the best times I have ever experienced was when the girl I really like smiled at me for the first time." Todoroki said. You grinned. " mine was when I sat in front of the coolest kid in my class. Guess who it was." You said. He sat there in confusion, before pointing at himself and blushing a bit. You smirked. " ding ding ding! We have a winner! What do you want as a prize?" You joked.

Todoroki new you were joking, but pointed at his cheek. You blushed. " y-you want a kiss?" You asked. He nodded. You leaned over to him and lightly kissed him on the cheek. You were about to pull away when he grabbed you by the waist. He pulled you back to him and sat there. You wrapped your arms around his neck hesitantly.

" you ok, Todoroki?" You asked. He chuckled and moved away from you. He looked you dead in the eyes. You started to worry. He sat up on his knees and kept staring at you...

Todoroki pushed you down and pinned you to the bed. He was holding himself above you with his arms and legs, and his face was inches away from yours. You were a blushing mess. Your arms were pinned above your head and your heart was racing. What is he going to do!? W-what's happening!? You thought in a panic.

He leaned closer to you, but didn't kiss you yet. He stopped himself and moved down to your ear. " are you okay with this~?" He asked in a deep, sexy voice. You hesitantly nodded your head and he moved his head back to yours. He leaned his head down and kissed you gently. You kissed back and genuinely enjoyed it.

Todoroki got off of you and sat at the end of the bed. ( no. Don't think like that. Nasty.) You smiled a little. " Hay, Todoroki." " Shoto."

" I love you, Shoto. I'll always love you, ok?"

" Ok."

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