MHA would you rathers

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Kiss shigaraki or be a female and get stuck in a room with Mineta for 5 minutes

Cuddle Kirishima or have Bakugo whisper in your ear

Get tied up with sero's tape or get zapped by denki

Insult Shoto's scar or take all the rest of Ururaka's money

Cuddle kirishima or make Eri smile

Break Izuku's limited edition all might action figure or grab Bakugo's man tiddies (you'll die either way)

Chuck Mineta off the roof of UA or give Shigaraki some god damn chapstick

Make Shoto smile or give Izuku a kiss on the forehead

Let Mina give you a makeover or let Aoyama give you a makeover

Get forehead kisses from Tamaki or cuddle Mirio

Thats all folks. Part two of whatever the fuck this is will come out when I think of more.

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