Werewolf!Bakugou x Neko!reader

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You were sitting in your assigned seat like normal. The class was buzzing with chat and you just wanted it to be quiet. You were very shy and scared easily. You don't like loud noises and are very timid. You gripped your bookbag and held it closer to you.


You herd a loud explosion from the classroom door. You flinched and covered your sensitive cat ears. Bakugou walked in and sat in his seat, which is right in front of yours. You let go of your ears and let out a small sigh. Bakugou's ears twitched and his tail swished slightly. He noticed you. Your tail stiffened and your ears flopped downwards in fear as you hid your face in your hands.

Bakugou's ears droped a bit and his tail stopped swaying. Odd. You moved your hands away from your face and relaxed. His ears pirked up again and tail swayed. You giggled at the wolf-boy's behavior. His tail swayed a little faster. Your tail also started to sway.

Mr. Aizawa walked in and held up a peace of paper. " today, we will be doing rescue comforting exercises." He said. Everyone cheered loudly besides you, Bakugou, Todoroki, and Tokoyame. You covered your ears and whimpered. The class grabbed there hero suits and went to the changing rooms.

Your costume is a plain black body suit, like your ears and tail. You had gloves that looked like cat paws and black boots. You also had a black mask. Your hero name was Black Cat.

You walked out of the changing room and into the crowed of students. You all pulled out a colored peace of paper. Yellow meant hero, and white meant victim. You got a yellow card and you herd a whispered FUCKING SHIT! From Bakugou. He isn't a hero this time. All of the victims were taken to a room with All Might to be told what injuries they would have and get there makeup done.

Everyone was assigned a partner and told to go to a spot in the arena where the rescue would take place. You were partnered with Bakugou. All Might fixed the seen to where Bakugou was trapped under some rubble and couldn't get out. After everything was ready, you were thrown into the seen. You got him out of the rubble and on to safe grounds. He was sitting on the ground and coughing.

" can you walk, Sir?" You asked. He tried to stand up but his leg gave out. You cought him before he could get any more hurt. " no, I guess not." He said. You sat him back down. " can you breath okay?" You asked. He toke in a deep breath and struggled a bit with it, but gave you a thumbs up. " are you bleeding?" You asked. He felt around himself a little. " no, I'm not bleeding." He answered. " do you think you'll be able to make it to the hospital?" You asked. He nodded. " okay, hold on, we'll be there in no time, I promise." You said, holding out your hand to him.

The buzzer went off and All Might started to talk through the speaker. " great work, young (L/n)! You didn't forget any of the questions and stayed calm! Now, come back to the Observer room so we can switch your places while the others begin there turn!" He shouted. You flinched and covered your ears.

When you and Bakugou got back, All Might threw you into a room with make up and a script for you, and make up remover for Bakugou. He walked over to it and started to fix himself. You read your script. Ok, so I have a broken leg, twisted wrist, and a head wound. I also have scratches and cuts littering my arms and legs. I can't walk, my lungs are failing, and I'm in severe pain. Got it.

You ran the script through your head twice, then walked over to the make up. " Oi, need any help?" Bakugou asked. You nodded your head and handed him the make up. He started with the scratches, then finished with the head wound. He grabbed the fake blood and poured some on the fake wound. They looked so real!

You situated yourself in a very uncomfortable spot on top of some rubble and started to call for help. Bakugou walked in and instantly rushed to you. He picked you up and sat you down on the ground.

" oi, you alright, Miss?" He asked. You shook your head. " can you walk?" You tried to stand up but cried out in pain when you stepped forward. You fell to the ground. He rushed to your side once again. " how bad does your head hurt?" He asked. You felt your wound and flinched. " a lot." You said. He patted your back. " can you breath well?" He asked. You toke in a deep breath and started coughing. You shook your head. " do you think you can make it to the hospital?" You nodded. He picked you up bridal style and walked out of the room.

You and Bakugou made it back to the viewing room and he sat you down. Everyone cheered. " great job, Bakubro! You didn't swear once!" Kirishima shouted. You covered your ears and whimpered. Bakugou smacked Kirishima in the head. " shut the fuck up. You're hurting her fucking ears." You let go of your ears and looked at him with a thankful expression.

To Be Continued...

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