Werewolf! Kirishima × Neko! reader

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Opposites attract, don't you agree?

You were walking down the street, tail tucked between your legs. You were going to the shelter because your friend, Mina, said it would help your fear of dogs. You have been deathly afraid of dogs ever sense you were five. A Chihuahua attacked you and gave you a pretty good scar on your arm.

You made it to the shelter, and opened the door. The lobby person walked over to you. Her name tag said 'Lisa'. She smiled. " hello, Miss! Are you here to take a furry friend home with you?" She asked, with an all-to forced happy tone. You nodded. " a d-dog, please." You said. Lisa toke you over to the dog kennels and opened the doors. All of the dogs were barking and pawing at the kennel doors. You flinched, but walked forward.

You walked to the very back and looked at the dogs. They were all very big, too. One of them even looked like a wolf. You walked over to one of them and the dog tried to bite you through the door. You walked over to the biggest one. The dog didn't bark, or run, or try to bite you. The dog just calmly walked over to you and wagged it's tail. The dog was a dark crimson color, and had beautiful ruby red eyes.

" oh, hunny. You don't want him. He's been taken back and forth from many shelters for years." Lisa warned you. You rested your hand against the medal bars. The dog stuck his paw on your hand. " I want him." You said plainly. Lisa looked shocked. " are you sure?" She asked. You nodded. " well, let's stick you in the kennel with him for a few minutes before you take him home, just in case." She said.

Lisa guided you into the dog's cage and quickly shut the door. You sat on your knees and looked at the dog. He walked over to you slowly and started to sniff you. He stuck his head in your long (h/c) hair and thrashed his head a little when he got stuck. After he freed himself, he sniffed your hands. He walked back in front of you and stared a little. He lifted his left paw and gently hit your nose. You giggled. " excuse me, sir, but no booping!" You said in a fake snobby tone. The dog barked lightly and booped you again. You laughed.

After you stopped laughing, you looked at the dog. He stared back. He leaned forward and rested his nose against yours. He closed his eyes. " that's it, I'm taking you home." You said with a little giggle. The dog jumped up and ran around. He stopped and jumped on you a little. His giant paws resting on your stomach. He stood on his back legs and licked your face.

You and the dog walked out of the shelter together. You walked your new dog home and opened the front door. You let him off of his leash. He instantly ran inside. You lost him after he ran through the kitchen. You sat on your couch. Your dog came back to you with a big sheet of paper and a pen. You looked at him. He ran over to the mini fridge and poked the alphabet magnets with his nose. " you want me to write down the alphabet on the paper?"

After you finished, your dog walked over to you and grabbed the paper. He started to point at letters with his nose. You franticly grabbed another sheet of paper and wrote it down. After a few hours, he spelled out: my name is Eijirou Kirishima. You smiled. " well then, Kirishima. My name is (y/n)." You said.

After a few hours of watching TV, you started to grow tired. You stood up and walked over to your window with a yawn. You opened the curtains and smiled. " hay Kirishima, look. A full moon." You said. He sat down next to you and started to glow. " WHAT THE FUCKING SHIT IS HAPPENING!?" You said quickly. After he stopped glowing, you gasped. There was a boy, about your age, sitting on the floor. He had a red shirt, tan cargo shorts, red crocks, crimson spiky hair, a wolf tail, and wolf ears.

Kirishima stood up and smiled awkwardly at you. " surprise?" He said with a sharp toothed grin. Your ears flattened against your head and your tail tucked between your legs. You backed away slowly. Kirishima's ears drooped and his tail fell.

You toke a few deep breaths and stood straight. You walked closer to Kirishima and looked at him. You raised your hand and cupped his cheek. You smiled. " sorry, I'm just frightened easily." You said. Kirishima's tail started to wag and his ears perked up. He started to give you little kisses all over your cheeks, forehead, and nose. You giggled and held his shoulders.

Kirishima gave you one last kiss on the nose and pulled away from you. He looked at you with a huge grin. You smiled back at him. " hay, so, now that you can do human things, what do you want to do?" You asked him. He tilted his head to the side and smiled. " I want to watch TV and cuddle with you!" He said.

You turned on the TV and changed the channel. You changed it to cartoon network and instantly smiled when you saw your favorite show you would watch when you were little. Kirishima laughed. " you do know that The Amazing World Of Gumball is a kids show, right?" He teased.

You laughed a little. " and who says I'm not a kid?" You asked. " that UA high school uniform I found in your closet does." " fair point. Wait, how old are you?" You asked out of nowhere. "  one hundred and twelve in dog years." You looked at him in disbelief. " so I'm about sixteen." He said. You sighed. " well, yesterday was my fifteenth birthday." You said. " what!? No way! Happy late birthday!" He cheered.

(Time Skip 5 Hours)

Your eyes grew heavy as you watched the TV. You looked over at kirishima, who was sprawled out all over your couch, also watching TV. But he was wide awake. You stood up frome your recliner and shuffled over to him. You sat at the end of the couch that he wasn't sprawled all over, and yawned.

Kirishima sat up a little and grabbed your wrist. He pulled you down with him and wrapped his arms around you. " if you're tired, just say so." He cooed. You rested your head on his chest and smiled. You started purring a little.

You turned a bit so your chest would be against Kirishima's. You propped your head up on his chest and smiled weakly. " hay, you know what's funny?" You asked. He hummed while playing with your hair. " cats and dogs usually hate each other." You said with a slight giggle. He chuckled a little bit, and looked down at you. " opposites attract, don't you agree?"

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