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[Buzzfeed staff]

''Hey guys it's me yo girl Mi and I'm here at BuzzFeed to play 20 questions.'' Miya waved at the camera.

''Are these questions going to be explicit too?'' she asked to someone behind the camera.



Question 1

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Question 1.

What's your real name?

''My real name is Cobra.'' she said tilting her head and widening eyes. ''Haha just kidding My real Name is Michelle Simpsons.''

Question 2.

Where were you born?

''Not going to go in details, I was born in New York, USA.''

Question 3.

What kind of a student were you at school?

''I was an average student.'' she said nodding. ''I was you know, that girl who was fun to be with but was also a nerd, yeahh. A nerd with average grades, yes.''

Question 4.

Have you had your first kiss?

''Um duh? You think I am a 21 year old woman, or girl whatever you want to call, with virgin lips? Nah, I had it with my guy friend, he was a good friend.''

Question 5.

Elaborate the answer to the previous question.

''Okay this is not fair.''

Question 5. [Changed]

Describe your first kiss.

''You guys are some smart pants.'' she took a deep breath. ''So it was back in 2011, I was 11 years old, we had a group of like 14-15 people.'' she chuckled. ''One day we were hanging out with friends and he was walking me home so he said he hadn't had his first kiss yet, I was like me too. And we were a few more metres away from my house, he asked if he could you know, kiss me and I was like I thought for a little while and then agreed. So that's how my first kiss was.'' she nodded smiling.

Question 6.

Have you watched some adult stuff?

''I have, and it was mistakenly, I was in fifth grade, I was looking for my holiday homework, when this pop up add came and I accidentally clicked on it. There was very much stuff that I didn't knew the name of, you know pps and stuff. There were like, thousands of videos in there and 'Out Of Curiosity' I clicked on one of them, first it was normal, then it got a little heated and when they came to the whole part I was just sitting there, I was disgusted. I was like, why do people even do this, then I grew up and got to know that disgusting stuff is how babies are made and I was like, I'll opt for adoption.'' she smiled sheepishly and then whispered. ''Not really.''

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