Just Miya things

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Curse words

Being a celebrity and living in Korea, you need to think about a 1000 times before you say something, also, cursing is rarely allowed.
So to maintain the image and also have the fun to curse, The maknae created some curse words of her own that are half-ly related to the actual ones.

Some of them are :

Shiya - Shit
Fridge - Fuck
Bullshit - Bush
Damn - Darn

Needless to say , the other members sometimes use te words too.

One time, on a Vlive, Namjoon, Jimin and Miya were making dalgona coffee, while whisking the mixture, her hand turned a little buttery and the whisker slipped from her hands and fell on her white hoodie, staining it.

''Fuck'' she mumbled, but it was loud enough for the camera to catch.

Namjoon eyed her, looked at the camera then smiled while his head bent down, trying to hide his amusement.

Depression jokes

She has been through that stage during her teenage years, where a child is supposed to be knowledgeable, she had to conquer anxiety and depression.

She sometimes talks like her soul is dead, and that she's just disappointed in her life.

[I mean who doesn't?]

So Sometimes these depression jokes just slip out.

''Sometimes i get jealous when my phone dies'' she said this in front of Jungkook as he sat on her bed looking shook as hell as the girl got up to put her phone on charger.

''I woke up this morning thinking it was gonna be a great day. But then I realized I was still alive.'' she said this loudly as she surfed for her favourite chocolate cereal, a few of the members choked on their breakfast.
Yoongi replied with a little laugh and continued to chomp on his bread.

They were playing the ''ask me'' game that they created themselves. When it was the maknae's chance, She chose Jin to ask from her.
''You have five seconds to give me three reasons to live.1…2…3 ……4…5...'' and she said nothing. Jin awkwardly smile and sat back down.
''Could we lower down the depression here please, I'm uneasy.'' Taehyung said making everyone laugh.

Shaky arms

This girl has had past deficiency in Vitamin d, Iron due to her tight diets. She was born like this. With a little shaky hands, they shake when she puts a little more pressure than her arms can handle or when she picks up something heavy.

She has had her vision blurry many times during performance and even saw black dots when she ignored the initial stage of fainting.

Her eyesight is a little weak too. She wears spectacles on off work days or when she's in the dorms.

The diets she does has made her body a little weaker but she doesn't let this affect her performance in anyway, she always gives her best, thus gaining a name in the list of 'professional performers' of Kpop.

This happened during an interview and people made several speculations about it, from it being a normal thing to a panick attack.

They were on ''The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon'' talking about their new released album love yourself.

Miya was on the other corner of the sofa, her right arm resting onto it's arm rest when her arm felt a little pressure than the normal and started shaking a little bit. She felt it but ignored since it was a minor shake.

A little while later when she didn't pay attention to it, her arm started shaking more and it was quite visible to the audience. She quickly pulled her arm from the arm rest and put it on her lap, stopping the shake down to just a little twitching with the help of her other hand.

The next day she saw her name mentioned on twitter trending list on no. 10. It was a usual thing to do everyday, to check up on the fandom.

 It was a usual thing to do everyday, to check up on the fandom

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