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It was another fan-sign event, the occasion where the members could meet their cherished fans, sign their albums and converse with them.

Miya was happy, she always used to be when it came to fansigns. Until she saw one person in the queue which led her smile to drop.

The memory of that one day started roaming in her head. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead as she looked away when the man looked towards her side.

She gulped.

What is he doing here?How will I confront him? How will I even talk to him? Jesus give me strength not to break right here.

She blinked away the liquid forming in her eyes and focused on the squealing fan in front of her, she smiled at the girl, asked her name and signed her album.

As one by one the fans got their albums signed and the man's chance was coming, her heartbeat increased and she took a deep breath.

Images flashed in her head. She could hear his words.

''Oh so now you are going to kick me? Do you think it's going to help?''
''You are not going anywhere''
''Stop crying''

''Hi'' she heard the familiar voice, she hadn't noticed him sitting right in front of her. The album and her pen was in her hands.

She had automatically signed the albums and shaked hands while her face remained blank.

She scratched her forehead and looked in his eyes, trying not to freak out. She gave him a smile.

''Hey.'' she said, her voice was lower.

''How are you?''

''I'm good, how are you?'' she tried to keep a normal conversation.

Maybe he doesn't remember anymore?

''Do you remember me?'' he asked, his smile still on his face.

''Ofcourse, you are my cousin.'' she smiled and signed his album quickly, so that he could move away, she couldn't handle his face.

''Oh glad you remember, it has been years since we have met right? I don't even have your number.''

She looked at him shook and then, ''I never had the chance to.'' she waited for the staff to tell him to move next.

Time was running really slow than she had imagined. It had been 30 seconds of their meet and it already felt like 30 hours.

''You could give me your number, now.''

She tensed and thought for some excuse to brush him off but her mind was not working.

Namjoon was sitting beside her and heard and understood everything they were talking about.

She had never told anyone about this but he could see her uneasy and tense posture.

He wanted to tell him to stop but also he couldn't be rude, but she was uneasy, but again the man was her cousin and he couldn't just get in between them. He was wondering what could have happened for her to react this way. He did sense that something was wrong and he did thought of it but couldn't just jump to conclusions.

''Um, if.. if I'll do that then maybe it could lead to some unwanted rumours, I'll maybe tell mom to give my number.'' she nodded hesitatedly, praying for him to take the excuse.

''Or maybe, we can meet somewhere outside?''

Please just get him to move. She mentally prayed to the staff standing behind her.

''I don't think that is the best idea.'' she chuckled nervously.

''Not somewhere outside? Then maybe a hotel?''

''No.'' she said it a little too fast.

She pursed her lips. Why was he so desperate to meet her? She wasn't able to tell him that she didn't want to meet him. But she couldn't be rude and wave him off. He was older than her and his dad and her mom were siblings, they were definitely going to know if she denied him.

And if they get to know about the denial they would want to know the reason, and that was the only thing that was scaring her.

She hadn't told anybody about this, she was scared they will judge her. She was scared they wouldn't take her seriously, she was young, too young to understand about what he did to her.

She was just 6. And he was atleast 14-15 at that time.

She quickly composed herself from crying.

''I mean, if the media somehow catches a glimpse that would be even bad, me meeting a man in a hotel, sounds absurd. I can't meet you anywhere to be honest.''


''Sir please move ahead.'' the words she craved for finally left the staff's mouth and Miya let out a relieved breath, making sure he wouldn't notice it.

''Finally'' she muttered under her breath and smiled genuinely towards the fanboy sitting in front of her.

Namjoon wasn't going to let the topic drop so easily, he had to help her, and he was going to.

A/n : That was it for this chapter but here is an important note.

Never think that you're wrong if god forbids something like this ever happens.
Talk to someone who you think could help you, never stay silent about it.
This is a really dangerous thing and could lead to serious trauma.

I had no one but my best friend to talk about it, no one other than her knows about this, not even my own mom.

If you think I'm pathetic and trying to gain sympathy that I'm talking about this to so many people EXCEPT my own mom, then listen to me, I know that nobody from here knows me in real life, and nobody else near me would be able to get to know. So keep your sympathy to you, I'm not begging for it.

Anyways, back to what I was saying,
Don't be stupid like me, don't stay quiet about it, if you don't trust anybody over this, talk to me, you can count on me.
Never think you are alone.
I won't force you to talk about your problems but just count me as an option like anybody else if you ever want to talk about something that is troubling you.

I love you, take care❤️❤️

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