Better Days

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Cyrus' POV

4 weeks later

Hearing knocking at my door, I quickly open it. "Hey, Felix." 

"Are you ready?" 

"Just remember to have your wand ready to catch Flutter. Don't worry about me." 

"I'm just surprised you changed in all your classes. You were determined to teach Flutter so bad you changed yourself in four looong weeks. Longer than this hall."

"I'm having better days lately. And teaching her to fly will make my whole life better. Even make my curse feel lifted. My curse and I have become best friends." 

"Well then, come on." He smiles, following him to the stables I see Flutter fluttering her wings at the sight of me. 

Running to her with a saddle and gear. "Ready to fly Flutter?" Questioning the yipping Pegasus I strap the saddle on her. 

"Ready, Cyrus?" 

"Stop asking me that Felix. I got this and so does Flutter...Hopefully." settling myself on her back I take a deep breath, securing my wand in my hand just in case I nod my head. "Fly Flutter!" Yelling she runs out of her stable and wobbles her way in the icy cold air of December breeze. 

"Oh, Salazar!" I yell as we continue to wobble in the air. 

It all happened so fast, we were flying then we weren't. 

Falling from the sky, with snow flying into my eyes turning my cheeks red from the freezing air. I see Flutter gets caught by Felix holding her up with the levitating spell. As for me, I fall with my wand nowhere to be seen. Screaming for dear life I get caught in the air. Looking up Kathryn catches me. 

Setting Flutter and Me down gently I run to Flutter, through the powdered sheet of snow, whining I feel horrible. "We'll keep practicing Flutter. This isn't the last time."

"Heres, your wand." Kathryn hands it to me with a grin. 

Breathing heavily I explain, "I must have dropped it when we were heading up into the sky. It happened in the blink of an eye." 

"Are you okay!" Felix runs up to Kathryn and me. 

"We are fine. Thank you for catching her. I don't know what'd I do if she didn't survive that fall." 

"I wouldn't want to hurt her." Felix pets Flutter back as Kathryn holds onto my shoulder. 

"I'd say, she did better than any Pegasus would on her first flight day. It's been a good start to a good day." Kathryn shudders at the incident that had just happened. 

Pasnys' POV

Weeks went by and Draco was officially alone, no one wanted to talk to him. And honestly, I always thought he deserved it. But he began to skip eating and sleeping, then he dropped out of quidditch. 

Finally, eventually, I felt bad for him so naturally, I planned to help him. Hermione, Harry, Ron, Luna, Ginny, Tracey, The quidditch team, Cedric Diggory, Malcolm Preece, and I forgave him at lunch.
(though I don't think they really are sorry.) 

Sitting at the dining table waiting for the mail, Draco starts eating. I smile with sadness, "Cyrus would be proud of you, Draco. Even if she wouldn't have shown it." 

"Let's not talk about her. I guarantee she has forgotten about us so why shouldn't we forget about her?" Draco's cold voice shatters everyone's focus on their food. 

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