Rushing to Conslusions

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Kayla swats the mans hand away and as Connor turns too look behind himself too see why my jaw suddenly hits the floor, I grab his shoulder and push him back down in his seat "What? What happened, where is she, you just said she was here right?" I look at Connor and he slowly starts grabbing his things as he sees the fury start to rise up into the veins of my neck. I begin to get up and he grabs my arm "just promise me you won't kill anyone or damage anything, shit is expensive around here." I nod in agreement and calmly walk to the table that Kayla and this man are sitting at, they seem to be having a tense conversation but my mind is far from caring about what it may be about. Kayla is whispering and looking around and when her eyes land on me they widen with fear and shock, she suddenly jumps up from the table and pushes me away from the mysterious man she's with "Chase hold on I can explain this-" I look at her and she immediately stops right in her tracks with what she's saying, I pull my wallet out and hand her a twenty dollar bill "this should be enough to cover you and your dates lunch, hope you enjoy yourself." I shove the twenty in her hands and turn around too walk out of the shop "date? Are you kidding me chase?! This asshole is the last thing I would ever let touch me, why don't you explain Sam?" I turn around and frustration turns into confusion, this is when the man speaks "I'm Samuel, Kayla and I are... Well where a couple, that is before she dumped me." I look from him then too kayla, Connor comes up from behind me "then why are you here together? Does he have something that my best friend doesn't?" I look at Connor and see that he too suspects the same thing I do, Kayla's eyes start to fill with tears "I am with him too tell him that if he doesn't stop texting and calling me that I will have no choice but to file a restraining order on him, he was a abusive and manipulative asshole, but I guess you didn't care too get too know me before jumping to conclusions, and while we're here let's talk about the other asshole in the room." My heart drops and worry starts to fill the place where my rage used to be, I begin to apologize but Kayla stops me and begins to cry while yelling at me "I don't know who you are Chase or who you think you are, but you have no right to judge me, how do you think I feel knowing that you are sharing a place with another woman? Have you stopped for one minute and asked yourself what I've been through? Who's hurt me? I know you haven't! Yet here you are selfishly judging and throwing a fit anytime something doesn't go your way, and I'm tired of it, I barley know you and yet I've went along with everything going on in your life and not once questioned your loyalty too whatever we are.. whatever this is." She shoves past me and Connor and I stand there stunned by what she said "wow buddy you really blew it" Samuel chuckles and I turn around and pick him up by the collar and drag him outside. Connor is grabbing my arm and trying to jerk me away from Samuel "it's not worth it man! Don't do it!" I shove him up against a card and as I go to shove my fist through his face I stop it right before it connects, I look at the guy in front of me and as he trembles with fear I lean in and whisper into his ear "if you know what's good for you you will never contact her again, or next time I won't hold back." I shove myself away from him and nod to Connor to follow me, he sighs with relief as we walk to our motorcycles "you did the right thing back there" I sigh and smile as I get on my bike "No I didn't buddy, but I would've proved her right if I hit him" Connor laughs and we start are drives home.

I got back home and threw my keys on the counter, I texted kayla five times and left two voicemails and my heart feels like it's being torn as the minutes tick by since she last spoke to me " what's wrong hun? Devon walks into the kitchen where I've sat down and I bury my head into my crossed arms "I screwed up big time Dev and I don't know what to do, hell I don't even know how to feel about this girl." I sigh and Devon looks at me sympathetically "well that's easy, just let it rest and come back too it in a week" I jerk my head up too see gaydin in nothing but a bath towel and pink slippers on "GET BACK IN THE DAMN BEDROOM AND GET DRESSED WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Devon screams and shoves Gaydin back into her room. I laugh so hard that my ribs begin to hurt, I catch my breath and look at Devon who's successfully wrestled gaydin back into her bedroom "you know he has a point, if I want to prove to her that I can change I gotta start by actually working on myself." Devon nodes and comes back to the kitchen, she pulls out two wine glasses, but instead of the alcoholic beverage she fills them with orange juice I look at her and raise an eyebrow "what the hell is this?" She sighs "you need to cut back on drinking, your fuse has been really short lately and it's even shorter when you drink." I sip on it while thoughts of Kayla fill my mind, suddenly a newly familiar pain fills my chest again, I look at Devon and a thought dawns on me "dev, how do you know when the right time is to take the next step?" This time I earn a laugh from her "easy now champ, one step at a time" I chuckle lightly before handing her my glass "thanks dev, I'll see you in the morning." I go to leave but Devon says one more thing before I do so "remember chase, we're like moths to flame; we're all trying to find our own kind of warmth."

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