Day 3

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I woke up with a start as blurred memories flashed in my mind. My head throbbed in pain and my back had at least four knots in it. Stretching I noticed a piece of paper sticking on the wall, carefully I stood up, making sure not to cause any further pain to myself. "Jesus, what happened last night?" I thought to myself as I reached the piece of paper on the wall. In cursive it read: Chase, me and Josh left to go get breakfast, until we get back you're under house arrest, and yes the locked bracelet around your ankle is a tracking device, I got it from EPA. So don't try anything. Love -Devon. I looked down at my ankle, and sure enough there was a box with a blinking light attached to it. "Of course, leave it to the one person that you trust to do some crazy shit like this" I moaned as I threw my body back on the couch, no longer caring about the pain in my back. Just then the door opened and Devon and Josh looked at me quizzically, as if they where trying to figure out the mystery to an unknown puzzle. "What, did I say something wrong, how long where you guys standing by the door?" I ask, accusations laced each word. "Well.... We just figured you would've managed to figure out how to break out of that bracelet and not be here, we're surprised you listened for once in your life," we all laughed at that, me especially. I've been know to get myself out of situations where I have to stay in one place for too long, so it is a surprise  that I hadn't already thought of a way to get out, who know, maybe I wanted to talk. "Josh sweetie, could you go to the kitchen so me and chase here can have a chat" my blood ran cold as the words left her lips. Talks with Devon where just as bad as talks with my mother, reason being is you're almost always in trouble. Josh seem to get the hint and rushed him and the groceries into the kitchen, giving me one last sympathetic look before he left out of earshot.
"So, tell me what happened, and don't you dare lie to me, you know lying will get you no where" Devon said, her voice stern and dangerous. So I began to piece together the blurred memories, from the moment I read the note all the way to where I ended up here, "and that's when I knocked on your door, hey I got go get my bike keys now that I think of it." Reality hit me and I immediately started to grab my things, I had to go get my bike, and get far away from the memory of Abby. "Hold on chase, we're not done talking, and besides you still got that bracelet and it will shock you if you leave the range of the house" Devon said frantically, worried that I'll electrocute myself. "Devon I gotta get outta here, I just... I'm not like the south, no one here loves me the way I need them too. No one cares about me, no one will notice, my life is worthless, just let me go." I sighed and rubbed my eyes, I've been feeling this way forever now and I figured it was time to let it out to someone, so why not let her hear it? That's when she slapped me and grabbed my face and said something that made the whole conversation worth it, "Chase Taylor, a great man once said: Never think life will be dark and cold. Stay optimistic. And let the light and warmth find you, for you are meant to be loved by the one worthy of your love." I was taken aback by her words, something inside of me rose from my chest, a sense of confidence, like a new begining. "So what are you gonna do, where do you wanna go?" She asked me, her eyes boring into my own searching for an answer. "I'm gonna go home, I'm gonna go back north," she smiled as I said this, and then embraced me in a hug. I was smiling just as much, if not more, for once I had a plan of action and the willpower to see it through. "Well lets get this off of you and head over to Greg's" Devon said cheerfully, thank God for her.

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