1 Day...

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I speed back to the apartment not caring about laws or the high possibility of death, I just needed time alone to think. I can't let her near me anymore; seeing her like that, smelling her scent, in less than ten seconds she had me on my knees still trying to make sure she's ok. I pulled into the parking lot of the apartment complex and killed the engine, I got off my bike and slowly walked up the steps into the building letting the cool night air play with my hair. As I opened the door I saw Madison standing there, it was made very apparent by her nervous body language and the way she jolted when I entered that she had been waiting for me to get home. "My place, now" I say this in a stern voice and she shakes her head quickly before swiftly making her way to the elevator, I want... no I NEED to let her down, fuck it my brain thought. We both entered the elevator and as the doors closed a thick tension fell over the area, the elevator dinged and we both stepped out. I opened the door to my apartment and motioned her inside, once inside I slammed the door shut making her jump. "Look Abby, I get that these past few days have been..... exceptional, but I can't do this. I can't just have a one night stand with you and act like that wouldn't mean something to me, or act like it never happened, that's not how I work." I sigh as I say this and take a seat on the new black couch that came with the apartment "I never said you had to act like it never happened, and I sure as hell don't expect you to not have any feelings for me after" she smirks seductively and crawls her way over to me like a cheetah stalking her prey. My member grows at the show of confidence and sexual tension that's grow between us, she gets to me and sits in my lap before grinding against me and whispering in my ear "show me what you got Taylor." I can hear the smile that plays on her lips as she says this "so I guess this is why you don't want to get back together with me or even talk to me, you're with this little blonde slut" the voice that says this makes me jump and throw Madison on the other side of the couch, and there standing in the door way with fury in her eyes is Kelsey. "What the fuck are you doing here, I thought I made it very clear that I was done with you" I try my best to say this to her in a low and threatening voice but all that comes out is a voice of confusion and nervousness. Madison stands up from the couch and dusts off her mini skirt before looking at me with hurt in her eyes "I'm sorry, I didn't know that there was someone else," tears fill her eyes as she says this and she walks briskly out of the apartment back to the elevator, she glares one last time at Kelsey before the elevator doors close. Kelsey smirks at this, obvious that she got her way like she always does Fucking Perfect. I clear my throat and get up from the couch, I slowly make my way to the doorway where Kelsey is standing with a shit eating grinned plastered across her face. "Is it my turn to get a little piece of Mr. Tay-" i don't let her finish the sentences before I jerk her into the apartment and slam the door shut so hard that it makes the walls shake and the neighbor start yelling to shut up. "What.... the fuck..... do you want" I'm furious at this point and I want answers, why after four years does she seek me out? Why after four years does she want to talk? Why now? I walk slowly towards her making it very aware that I'm not happy. She realizes what I'm doing and laughs, not just any laugh, but a genuine, whole hearted laugh. "Chase Taylor, you really think I learned nothing about you in the four years we where together? Are you forgetting who the first person you did that too was?" She catches her breath and her demeanor is replaced with one of equal seriousness. "So who was that girl huh, who does she think she is kissing you like that?" My rage kicks up again at the thought that Kelsey some how thinks she has any sort of control over me "and who the hell do you think you are barking questions at me after all this time?" My voice booms and shakes around the echoey house, she flinches and tears form in her eyes "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to just barge in here but I just wanted to talk all of our problems out and I just wanted to explain myself and why what happened had happened.... I'm sorry chase" and as my name leaves her lips she starts to sob, her shoulders slump forward and she buries her face in her hands. I can't control what I do next; I wrap my arms around her and squeeze gently, She sobs louder but her face is now buried in my chest muffling the sound. She cries for a minute or two more before regaining her composure "can I please stay here? I want to talk to you tomorrow and it's late." I nod my head and grab a pillow and blanket "can I not sleep with you?" She asks this while giving me the look of a hurt puppy but I shake my head and point towards the couch "take it or leave it" I say this gently and with a hint of playfulness, being careful to not upset her further "thank you chase, I'll talk to you in the morning, goodnight." as she says this she lays down on the couch and roles away from me, I sigh and retreat to my room while turning of the light to the living room. Once in my room I pull of my shirt and slam my body onto the sheets before falling fast asleep.

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