New Neighbors

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I cut the engine off when I finally arrived at my new apartment, I found one at Broadstone Infinity. I had used the three months in Tennessee to focus strictly on work, being a pediatric nurse allows you to distract yourself from your own problems by helping children with their own. It had it's financial upsides too, with the money I saved up living in my crappy apartment there I was allowed to get this amazing place and still be able to pay for college up here. The building was elegant and modern as I walked up the steps to the entrance, getting to the door I closed my eyes and took a deep breath in, after all this was the first big step to the rest of my life so I wanted to cherish this moment. I took one more deep breath and pushed opened the door, that's when my jaw dropped: the entrance was beautiful. It's marble floors reflected the light made by the stunning chandelier up above, the lounge had white leather couches which where centered around the gas fireplace. This place was expensive, but that's how I like it; expensive and quiet. I scanned the room and found the front desk "hello sir, my name is maddie, how could I help you at Broadstone Infinity today?" Maddie was a skinny young women, her blonde hair and pale complexion made her crystal blue eyes stand out most out of all of her features. "Hey, I'm a new resident here, is there anyway you could tell me where apartment 12A is?" I inquired nonchalantly, she looked at me and smirked before reverting her eyes back to her computer screen. "12A... here it is, right this way Mr.Taylor" she pressed a button on the screen and a card popped out of a machine next to it, she came around the desk and handed it to me before proceeding down a hallway. "The card you are holding there is your key to get into your new apartment, do not lose it. Each key cost fifty dollars, but the first one is complementary" she said this and looked over her shoulder smirking once more, then stopped in front of a pair of elevator doors. The elevator buzzed as it reached the ground floor, then silently opened up to allow it's passengers on board. Maddie stepped in and I soon followed, then the doors closed and silently took us up to the sixth floor. "So Mr.Taylor, what brings you to Washington?" Maddie eyed me, with a smirk still evident on her face. Scanning my body up and down I found goosebumps start to form as she did this, then suddenly she presses me playfully against the wall before kissing me and then leaning into my ear to whisper "I'm your new neighbor by the way, glad I now have someone to keep me company" she looked at me and bit her lower lip. The tension grew between us as her lips hovered centimeters away from mine, then the elevator buzzed once more indicating that we arrived at our floor. "First door on your right" maddie whispered into my ear, then she pushed herself away from me before pushing me out of the elevator. Looking back I saw her wink at me before the doors closed and left me and my slightly fast heart beat alone. I looked to my right to find where my new home was, and sure enough, on a door in big gold numbers was 12A. I sighed in relief and opened the door, I didn't bother to turn on the light as i tossed my jacket, keys, and helmet on the couch, finding the bed I dressed down to my boxers and climbed in. The cold sheets helped relax my already sore muscles, I stretched out and wrapped my arms around the pillow. I looked up at the ceiling and couldn't help but smile at the fact that I made it home, but I had many things planned for tomorrow. So with that I turned on my side and let my eyes grow heavy before drifting off into restful sleep.

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