4 days...

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I awoke with a start, dreams of the receptionist ran through my mind all night and the thought of the kiss didn't help the situation. The sun flooded from the curtains to my right, peeling off the duvet I hobbled my way to the window. I pulled back the curtain to reveal a bustling street below me, I looked in awe until a women who seemed to be in her thirties whistled at me. realization hit and I receded behind the curtains so that the rest of the street didn't have to observe a grown man looking at all of them in his boxers. I checked my watch "shit, I really slept in for a Sunday," it was already noon and the most i had accomplished was making the whole block aware that I was only in my boxers. Hastily I pulled out my duffle bag from under the bed and unzipped it, pulling out a pair of solid black pants and a plain white T-shirt. Hopping on one leg while putting on the first half of my pants, I rushed over to the cabinets praying that the apartments provide new renters with a complimentary coffee machine and coffee pot. I scrambled to find it, managing to put my leg through the other side of my jeans freed my hands to focus solely on hunting for the coffee pot. "Thank God, where have you been my whole life?" My hands trembled with excitement as I reached for the coffee pot hiding in the last cabinet, I pulled it down from it's hiding spot and poured the travel size coffee bag into the filter bowl of the machine. Hitting the button which it to brought to life with a single beep, I had a knock at my door just then, I pulled on my shirt just before opening the door. "Hey handsome" and there Maddie stood in my doorway with nothing but a t-shirt and panties on. "Is this how all the receptionist are gonna greet me in the morning?" I ask questioningly. "No, but if let me, I'd like to show you how much more I can be then just a receptionist" she smirked as she said this, pushing me into the apartment and closing the door behind her. "What're you doing?" I asked, panic laced through each word that fell from my lips. She then ran and hopped into my arms before planting a kiss on me, clawing my shoulders she wrapped her long legs around my torso. "You know what I want" Maddie looked at me with the same devilish smirk from the night before and began kissing her way down my jaw to my neck. I had been too caught up in the moment to realize that my phone had been ringing. Maddie had heard the last ring and picked it up without question "hello this is the Taylor residents" she said in that receptionist voice she had used last night. She looked puzzled for a minute before handing the phone to me, "it's for you" she said, and then let go of me and walked out. Confused and slightly hurt I put the phone to my ear "hello, whoever you I just want you too kno-" I was cut off by a single word. That's all it took for four years worth of memories to come flooding back to me, my heart sped up and my legs felt heavy, the girl who built my heart and still had it was on the other side. "Hey" Kelsey said through the phone.

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