Make Her Laugh Before She Goes

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(Another update in the same year??!! Who am I and what have I done with the writer who's only posted once or twice a year?? lol..... Well guys i hope you enjoy this part, please leave feed back if ya have any!)







... ENJOY!

I awake to Kayla's arm draped over my chest and I smile briefly watching her back slowly rise and fall. I glance over to my phone and pick it up too see the time, I groan as I realize that I've only been able to sneak in a few hours of sleep well it's not like this isn't a common thing that happens every other day. I make my escape from the bed by slowly laying Kayla's arm on the duvet before working my way to the desk in the corner of my room; my mind slowly starts up and as I begin to start  on my assignments that I missed that are due today I simultaneously begin E-mailing my professors asking for the assignments due for today letting them know that I will need a personal day to take care of things at home, or more importantly people. As I silently type away I feel lips brush against my shoulder and curly red hair drape over top of me, goosebumps instantly cover my body and I turn around to kiss the woman who has spent the night with me "what are you up so early for Mr. Taylor?" Kayla raises an eyebrow at me while she smirks and I can't help but to wrap my arms around her and throw her into my lap, she shrieks and the sudden movements and I laugh at her sudden surprise,  just then Devon kicks in my door with a shotgun in hand "ALRIGHT WHO IS HURTING YOU CHA-" Devon's eyes finally scan the room and over to me and as she sees Kayla in my lap not only does her jaw drop but so does the gun, she then glares at me before saying "my room now" and leaving. I look at Kayla and she shrugs her shoulders I groan before getting up "God what is it with women wanting to beat the shit out of me lately?" I say this as I exit the room earning a laugh from Kayla. I enter Devon's room and I see that she's lit a cigarette (Devon rarely smokes) which is code for I'M STRESSED THE FUCK OUT  so I slowly close the door behind me and wait  for her too speak "So who's that in the other room in nothing but a shirt and panties on?" and as I go to speak Devon cuts me off "you know what, I already know who's in there. what I really wanna know is why last night you're all in the dumps and now here she is and SHE'S IN YOUR ROOM IN YOUR LAP?!" Devon begins too yell the last part and I cover her mouth to prevent Kayla from over hearing us. I wait for her to calm down before I remove my hand "look, you left me downstairs and she showed up in the gym. She apologized and said that she misinterpreted the situation, I figured I'd give her a chance and then well.... here we are." I shrug my shoulders and Devon takes a deep drag from the cigarette before blowing it in my face "you're so damn dramatic, how about you let the woman talk to you before you freak out next time yeah?" She pats me on the shoulder and as she begins to leave the room I hear the door to her bathroom jiggle, I look at her with a raised eyebrow and she quickly rushes to the door and holds the door close. I fold my arms "well it looks like I'm not the only one who had uninvited guests over last night," Devon flips me off and from behind her through the door and deep voice starts to speak "Devon bear why won't you let me out? or do you wanna come join me?" The voice sounds familiar and it takes me a second before I realize who it is "You did not sleep with the front desk guy,"  just then Devon lets go of the knob and Gaydin emerges from the bathroom in nothing but a towel, when he sees me and quickly looks at Devon with a panicked look on his face "please tell me you're not his girlfriend," and with that me and Devon drop to the floor in  a fit of laughter.

After everyone is properly dressed and ready for the day, Devon decides as an act of truce to make breakfast for everyone. As everyone sits down Kayla is the first to start the awkward questioning "so I take it I'm not gonna get my ass kicked for being here last night?" I eye Devon and she sighs while flipping a piece of French toast in a pan before turning around to face everyone in the kitchen "Well given that he's here.... I'd say we can call it even this time." Devon points at Gaydin with a spatula and I chuckle before I feel a hard piece of plastic hit the side of my arm "shit Dev I was just laughin!" I rub my arm and from the corner of my eye I see a smirk play on Kayla's lips, just then Gaydin speak "well shit I guess I'll just act like this is an AA meeting so here it goes... Hi guys my name is Gaydin Hester." Just then the whole room simultaneously says "Hi Gaydin," we all laugh and the atmosphere changes from an awkward tension to one thats playful and warm, and as I sit around the table with these people now in my life a feeling of warmth and comfort washes over me, maybe this is what I've been craving A Sense Of Belonging. Just then Kayla's phone dings and her laughter and smile turns into a look of seriousness.

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