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TRIGGER WARNING: There will be female on male Physical abuse and controlling threats in this chapter and I just want everyone to know to prepare yourself, I don't need any of you lovely readers to have a panic attack <3

Kelsey approaches me and slaps me, Hard. I stumble back from the shock of what just happened and before I have time to process what just happened Kelsey closes the distance between us and slaps me again but this time a lot harder. I feel my head get fuzzy and little black dots start to blur my vision, I feel a drop of blood fall from under my eye. She starts screaming "You are mine Chase Taylor do you hear me?! I have waited for four years to get back into your good graces and you are just throwing me on the back burner for any quick little fix you can get your hands on!" I can barley make out her words between the ringing in my ears from her hitting me and the throbbing in my head, I try to walk to the bathroom to escape her; I do not believe in hitting women and although it may be deserved I can't bring myself to do it. As I start to make my way down the hall stumbling, Kelsey hits me again but this time in the stomach, for such a petite woman each hit carries deadly accuracy and she is successful in knocking me down to my knees where she proceeds to kick me in the ribs. I slump over and I roll onto my back, as I do so I begin to tear up; never has Kelsey laid a hand on me and I would've never have guessed she'd have this kind of monstrous side too her  "why are you doing this to me Kelsey, this isn't how you love someone!" I choke out these words between gasps for breath, Kelsey gets on top of me and holds my chin between her index finger and thumb "and sleeping around with people other than me isn't how you show you're love and devotion to me you whore!" she spits out this words and I can tell by the vain poping from her neck that she is furious, but I am too "I will never love a bitch who hits me, I will never love you Kelsey, get the fuck out of my house!" the words boom and shake the empty apartment. Kelsey sits on top of me completely frozen, then her shock turns into fury: she starts hitting me all over, my face, my ribs, my arms, I try my best to restrain her but she is in a different world at this point and I'm left having to cover myself up with my arms to lesson the blows. Kelsey finally stop and begins to full on cry on top of me "Fine be that way Chase, but just know I always get what I want," she proceeds to get off me and grab her things before opening up my door and slamming it behind her. Tears fill my eyes and I slowly begin to sob before I black out from the beating.

When I wake I'm laying on the couch with bandages around my torso and a gauze patch under my eyes, I jump up startled and confuse on how I got on the couch and I grown in pain realizing now just how bad Kelsey had beat  me "shhhh lay back down chase you're alright." I'm startled by the familiar voice and I  snap my head around too look at them, Devon stands in my kitchen and I can tell by her red puffy  eyes that she has been crying. I sigh before laying back down to allow my body to rest "when did you and what happened after I blacked out, and how the hell did you get into my apartment?" I rub my face and wince when I feel the swollen black eye that has formed under my eye. Tears form and a lump is in my throat, I feel worthless and unloved, abandoned even. Devon comes over too me and sits down on the couch while handing me some water and aspirin, I thank her for them and take the aspirin, she goes to hug me and that's when I flinch and back away. Devon starts to cry and all I can do is look at her, my body physically refuses to have anyone touch it right now and has built in a defense mechanism and there is nothing I can do about it. Devon stops crying and sniffs a couple times before talking "I came to check in on you since I broke up with josh-"  she starts to sob again and this time I force my body to rest a hand on her shoulder "well at least he didn't just beat the shit out of you right?" I muster up a smile and Devon chuckles "you're right, but I came to see you since you gave me the address to this place and as i was getting off the elevator and I saw Kelsey, I went to say hi and she just blew past me, I saw she left your door cracked and when I walked in you looked like you where dead and I just..." she throws her hands up and I take it that she thought I was gone. i rub her shoulder and that's when I start to cry myself, I should've told Kelsey to get lost a long time ago but I didn't and now look at me, I will forever have this horrible night scarred into my memory "mind staying in tonight and hanging with me?" I mumble this to Devon and she laughs, a whole hearten genuine laugh, "of course you dummy, that's what I'm her for after all." For the rest of the night Devon and I watch movies and drink until both are memories go from horrible experiences too the funniest things since sliced bread. I check my watch and yawn as I notice that it is now two in the morning "Alright dev I'm gonna hit the hay, you can have the guest-" I turn around and I see Devon passed out on the couch with a bottle dangling from her hand, I grab a blanket and lay it over her before heading off to sleep, as I sleep unfortunately all I can dream about is being beaten and Kelsey's face burned into my mind.

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