Parlor Tricks

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Before you read: Look at the pic please! I'm trying to give ya'll a better vision of where they are and the atmosphere!

I get home and hop in the elevator, I'm excited to have time to hang out with my best friend and too finally get some ink therapy. I get to my door and open it and as soon as a do I'm greeted by a huge hug "Hello Mr. Taylor, how was school? Did you eat enough for lunch? You are a growing boy!" Devon says this while waving her finger in the air making her look more like my mother and less like my bestie "Dev I stopped growing freshman year of high school, you of all people should know this, after all you where there." I chuckle at what now seems like a distant memory until she punches my  shoulder lightly "Well I got my Keys and Wallet, are you ready to go?" I chuckle and grab the phone sitting on the entry way table and wave it in front of her "forgetting something?" I wink and she groans before snatching it and pushing me to the side to walk out the doorway, I shake my head and grin before grabbing my jacket I had dropped a moment ago and putting it back on.

We end up taking Devon's car because she believes my bike is nothing but a death trap, thankfully she's never been able to talk me into selling it. We sit in silence for some time before I work up the courage to ask her what I've been wanting to since last night "So I remember you saying you and josh-" I can't finish the sentence before typical Devon cuts me off "So here we where one Night and he decides to take me to a surprise dinner, I thought he wanted to talk about finally planning the wedding..... Turns out it was quite the opposite. We got to the restaurant and he decides to tell me as I'm eating the most delicious lobster that he found someone else-" Devon chokes up a bit at the end of the story and I gently place my hand on her leg "well Dev you can do a helluva lot better in my opinion, I always knew he wasn't quite right for you, I'm sorry I didn't give you my opinion earlier." She sniffles a little and shakes her head before motioning that she wants a tissue, I grab her one from the glove box and she blows her knows before continuing "No no even if you had told me I wouldn't have listened, I was so blinded by love that I started losing who I was as a person, that's why when it happened the first thing I did was pack my shit up and drive here," Devon shifts in her seat uncomfortably and I eye her suspiciously, I know there's more that she hasn't told me. I look at her and glare "That's not it Ms. Hood, what did you have to talk to me about earlier??" She sucks in a deep breath and I already know that I have just opened up a can of worms "well.... I was thinking about maybe moving up here, and I was wondering if we could share the apartment?? it is a three bedroom," Devon flashes a bright smile and I hold back tears of laughter at how shy Devon is at approaching me with such a simple request "well I do need some help with the rent," I look over to Devon and she Squeals in happiness. We talk about decor and room arrangements for the remainder of the drive.

We get to tattoo parlor and as I get out of the car the cold breeze hits my face energizing my nerves, the night feels positive and I'm ready for it. As we enter a nicley dressed woman comes up and greets us "Welcome to Slave To The Needle Tattoo Shop, my names Mariana, how can I help you guys?" Devon looks at me and then at Marina "Actually he's the only one you should be worrying about, He want's to start a sleeve on his leg and I'm paying." I look in disbelief at what Devon just said, what was suppose to be two best friends going and getting tatted turned into me starting a sleeve "what the hell Devon you don't got that kind of money" I whisper this too her and she pats my back "This is my down payment for the next two months," leave it to devon to not outwardly pay for rent but rather do something of value for me, she knows me too well.

Me and Mariana start throwing around ideas before we land on a really cool hyper realistic mountain range that fades into a beach with a dock. I look over to Devon and she furrows her brow making it clear that she doesn't understand what the story behind the tattoo is "it's my two favorite places dev, my paradise," Devon's expression changes and she nods in agreement before giving me a high five. Mariana start to draw it up and two hours later the stencil is put on and we start digging into the 8 hour session ahead of us. We are about four hours in when Mariana and I both agree to take short break, Devon and me are sitting in the lobby when we hear the door of the parlor open, I turn around to see who it is and my heart drops on the floor, Kelsey is standing there with one of her girlfriends and when she sees me her face turns bright red, she walks over to another artist named Greg and he leads her too a booth and begins getting ready for a tattoo session. Mariana comes back inside and we walk back to the booth and resume the session and that's when Kelsey walks in "So what are you doing here? This is my parlor, I've been getting tatted here longer and I came here first, you need to leave." Kelsey artist Greg comes in and tries to lead her back to his booth but she pulls away and comes up too me, that's when Devon stands up and pushes her back "If you're looking to get your ass kicked I highly suggest you come at him again like that." Kelsey's face is red with anger and she goes to hit Devon but as she does someone stops her "Now I suggest you go sit your ass down and finish your tattoo before I kick you out," I turn too see that bright orange hair that makes my heart flutter every time, Kayla. Just then Mariana clears her throat and everyone looks at her "Well young lady, I would listen to what the shop owners daughter has to say," she then points to me and Devon "As for you two, I'm done with the outline and shading so how bout we book another appointment so we can let all this cool down?" I nod my head in agreement and Mariana begins wrapping me up.

As we are paying and getting ready to leave a hand grabs me and rushes me to the back of the parlor, when we reach the back I turn around and the person who grabs me pins me against the wall "so this is your plans for the night? can't hang out with me but instead you bring some new girl to get a tattoo with you and your ex almost beats you up??" Kayla's eyes are boring straight into mine and I have to come up with an explanation fast "Devon is my best friend and nothing more I swear, and I promise I didn't know Kelsey would be here." Just then it dawns on me that I have a few questions of my own, so I grab Kayla's waist and hand and flip us around now pinning her too the wall "how'd you know Kelsey was my ex? And you didn't tell me your dad owns one of the best tattoo parlors in Seattle." Kayla's expression softens and that's when it's her turn to explain "I over heard your guys fight and I assume based on how she acted that she was, meaning my hunch was right. As for the second thing, I didn't tell you because I didn't think it was important." She blushes a little at the last bit and I bite my lip; only now has it occurred to me how close we are too each other "well how bout I make it up too you?" I growl the words into her ear and I can see goosebumps form on her skin meaning that I'm getting too her, I gently kiss her neck and leave pecks trailing down her neck to her collar bone. She moans lightly which makes my member hard instantly, I look her in the eyes and move in closer to her, our lips only inches apart, when Devon comes around the corner "well we are all payed up and I booked your appointment for you-" Devon stops in her tracks and her jaw drops, she points at me, then to Kayla, and back to me multiple times  before speaking "DID YOU JUST?!!" I laugh hard and so does Kayla, we move away from each  other but before I do I whisper in her ear "you owe me" she shakes her head in agreement and I step away from her before walking over to Devon and patting the top of her head "let's go kiddo" I say too her as a take her hand leaving a very flustered Kayla in the parlor.       

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