Day 2

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Immediately anger filled my every being. My veins coursed with rage as I thought that yet again I let myself fall for another woman who didn't love me. So I did what any reasonable man does when he's this angry; I went out to drink.

"Awww what brings Mr.Taylor back into my pub, and the usual?" Greg, who's my favorite bartender in all of Memphis Tennessee, asked me this while struggling not to smile. It's been awhile since he's seen me around here, the bar was busting with people and drunk women spilled in and out of the bar.
"You know what happened Greg, it's the only reason why I come here all the time," I chuckle as he hand's me the usual: four shots of taquila and two shots of whiskey, I need to start forgetting and feeling good immediately. I downed the first four shots quickly, feeling the warm liquid start taking its effect into my system, after that I continued with the whiskey, the harsh burn as it flowed down my throat reminded me of the messed up situation I was in which didn't make the situation better. "Greg, I need a glass of that whiskey now" I say with a stern voice, rage and alcohol wasn't a good mix, but it's too late to turn back now.
"I need your keys" Greg said casually. So I tossed him my keys as he slid the glass of whiskey towards me, I downed it harshly and got up to walk out, that's when some drunk guy bumped into me, spilling his drink all over my jacket.
"Hey watch where you're going bud" the guy said, he was shorter than me, but look to be in his twenty's, and he wasn't built nearly as big as I.
"You spilt your drink on me prick," I spat back at him, the rage that I still have now directed towards this man standing infront of me.
"Is that so? Well maybe you shouldn't have been in my way" the man shoves me once again, his friends laughing along, then I snapped. I grabbed the man's drink and crashes it over his head. The pub exploded with fighting, women screaming, men breaking and using anything they can against each other.
"Hey, everyone chill the hell out" Greg roared, everyone got silent. "You, get the hell out and don't come back," he points at me, clearly filled with rage.
"Give me my damn keys then" I growled, trying to look intimidating in my drunken state. "You can come by when you sober the hell up, now get the hell out of here!" he yelled, his country accent thick.
"Fine" I said, to pissed off and drunk to argue. It was my fault after all, if I would've walked away none of this would've happened. So I got up off of the man who I was previously punching and walked out of the bar, the fresh summer air woke me up and refreshed my sense.
I looked at my watch, it read 4:35 AM, "Well there's only one person who will let me crash at their place in this condition" I thought to myself, so there I was walking down the street towards the one person who would understand. The sun was just beginning to rise and the people where just waking up, presumably getting ready to start work.
I arrived at my destination and knocked on the door "hel-, what in the world happened to you?" My bestfriend Devon stood there at her door, her hair messy which made it obvious that I woke her.
"Abby screwed me over, I'm drunk and I think I may need somewhere to stay.." I slurred, still pretty drunk from all the alcohol running through my system.
"Well no shit Sherlock, come on in and let's get your sorry ass cleaned up" she chuckled as she said this. Her eyes laced with sleep but she smile bright and positive.
This is one of the many reasons why Devon became my bestfriend, not only did she put up with my stupid behavior and late night check ins, but she always kept a positive attitude and outlook on life. Which in turn kept me positive when I'm constantly feeling down. I sat down on the toilet as she fetched a first aid kit, I looked at my busted knuckles which where still bleeding, then I felt the black eye and busted lip that I hadn't noticed until now. "I'm not even going to ask, I'm patching you up and then your going straight to bed, you need to sleep the alcohol off so I can make sense of what you're saying" Devon laughed as she said this, obvious that she found my busted up state amusing.
I grunted in agreement, and after she cleaned and wrapped my wounds she grabbed me a pillow and a blanket, I happily accepted them and made my self comfortable on the couch.
"Sleep you dummy. I'm going to go back to my room and let Josh know you are here. He'll want to hear this." she kisses my head and goes back to bed with her fiance. My eyes grew heavy once more but this time I didn't worry about anyone leaving me or making me mind, and with that I drifted off to blissful darkness.

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