Running from shadows

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Real quick for my dedicated readers the song is a little throw back for all my pop punk peeps so I hope you enjoy!

P.s. All real business's mentioned in this part do not sponsor me and all rights are reserved to them.





I'm silently typing on my computer and I can't help but lean back and huff in frustration; Kayla had abruptly excused herself from breakfast before she went into my room and grabbed her stuff before quickly leaving. Devon knocks on my door before leaning on the frame "how ya doing kiddo? Have you heard anything from her?" I shake my head and run my hands through my hair in frustration and Devon comes over and puts her hand on my shoulder in a form of comfort "don't let it get you too worked up, I'm sure whatever it is it had to be important enough to leave so quickly." I sigh before I shake my head in agreement and I turn my desk chair back around facing my computer and begin to again bury myself in school work "I'll grab you some Irish whiskey and a glass" Devon says this and I sigh once more knowing I'll need much more than that to get through the day.

I watched the hours pass by before I gave in and texted Kayla asking her why she left suddenly, but the only response I got was a quick one liner telling me that she was ok and would be by later tonight after she took care of something. I turned off my
phone and nurse the whiskey glass silently, I check the time and realize that I have already burnt half of my day waiting for this girl to come back and explain her sudden disappearance too me. I let out a deep breath Screw This I think to myself and I grab the jacket off my chair and head too the door to grab my keys, I look into the living room and see Devon and Gaydin silently reading together on the couch; both look content to be in each other's presences and I can't help but to smile for their new found love. I grab the keys to my bike and Devon peeks from the corner of her book briefly "where are you going Mr. hotshot?" She grins at her own cheesy line and I chuckle before flipping her off "I'll be back in a bit, just going to get some fresh air Cinderella." She scoffs and submerges herself back into the novel.

I begin to drive aimlessly while reflecting on the couple of crazy months that I have already had being back in Washington, I considered for a moment early on whether coming back here was worth the trouble, between the pressure of being back in school, Kelsey coming back into the picture, and dealing with a heart break all at the same time, all of it seemed like a sign from god crucifying me for even stepping foot back in this state. You wouldn't have met her though my inner dialogue makes me break suddenly and pull off too the of the highway, why is she always on my mind nowadays? We've obviously gotten closer recently, but there is still a lot that I don't know about her. I pull out my phone and fumble through my contacts and as I do I reached my other hand into my jacket pocket and find a piece of folded paper with a number on it I wonder if Conner is off today? I need more than just females to hang out with or they might become the death of me. I quickly fill out a new contact file and shoot a text too Connor hoping that he'll come through for me, I go to start my bike again when my phone rings "Hey chase it's Connor! The wife and kid are out shopping so I was actually pretty bored myself, how bout we meet up and grab a coffee??" I agree and we both quickly make plans on where to meet, I get off the phone with him and smile while going down the road This should be a nice change of pace.

I arrive at a little hole in the wall coffee shop called Black Drop, Connor walks in and when he spots me in the corner table in the back he laughs lightly and waves. He sits down and orders before speaking "so you're still playing the dark and mysterious guy role huh? thought you had changed that since high school." I slug his shoulder lightly and smirk "well I never thought a nerd like you would land someone as beautiful as Claire, I remember you being into colored hair and piercing not miss goody two shoes." This earns me a slug back from him and we both laugh, the familiar banter is a welcomed feeling that takes me back to a time when things weren't so complicated "So buddy, what have you been up too? I know we lost contact when you moved too Tennessee, I figure you must be doing well for yourself if you're back here living on your own." I shift in my seat leaning back and grabbing the cup of hot coffee the waitress just served too us "Believe it or not, I decided to pull my head out of my ass after high school and buried myself in the books until I became a pediatric nurse." Connor nearly spits his drink out in disbelief, he sets his mug down and wipes his mouth before responding "so you're telling me that Mr. Music Man put up his guitar and actually found himself a stable career?" I chuckle and nod my head "yes I did and believe it or not, but I'm studying to get my PhD in Pediatric Endocrinology," Connor's jaw hits the floor as he looks at me in complete disbelief "alright there has to be a woman, who is she and what has she done with the hard ass bad boy that was my bestfriend?" I begin to tell him about the events that has taken place over the course of the last few months and he hangs on to every word, almost as if  I was telling him the beginning of a romance novel. "So where is Kayla? Shouldn't she be with you?" a sharp pain pierces my chest as he says those words and concern washes over me what is this feeling? Why am I reacting to his question like this? I go to answer his question but then I see the curly wave of her hair enter the shop "actually Connor she's right-" before I could finish my sentence a man walks in behind her and reaches out to grab her hand.

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