3 days.....

42 3 0

I stammered, for words couldn't describe the way I was feeling. This is bad, really fucking bad I thought to myself. It's not that I want Kelsey to have my heart; Kelsey and I met back in high school. Kelsey unlike me however, was popular. Her slender yet lengthy figure and naturally curly brown hair made her stand out amongst the typical high school girl, her eyes where as brown as mahogany and her skin  had a way of always being naturally sun kissed. This was a particular rarity in the north, for the sun had a hatred for Washington, which was fine by me. We had met in biology class our sophomore year over the need of a pencil, and since then it had been a constant battle to one up one another with constant flirting and teasing. Regaining my composure I cleared my throat and spoke confidently "how'd you get this number? I haven't talked to you in over two years, and don't act like this was an accident because there's no way in hell you happened to call me of all people". With this she chuckled and sniffled, as though she had been crying. "I heard you where back in town, I was wondering if you'd like to meet up somewhere?" I could hear her smile at this, knowing me and that I wouldn't say no too her. "Meet me at Norma's at 3:00 and I swear to god if your not there exactly at that time I'm blocking this number and I promise you'll never hear from me again." I pressed the end call button and throw my phone onto the bed, exhaling slowly I reached for my suitcase and pulled out a clean black shirt and blue jeans. I took them with me into the bathroom and started the shower, I only showered one way and I had a saying to go with it; if it doesn't sting it's not hot enough. I hopped into the shower and started lathering myself with the bar soap left in the bathroom for new tenants. But before I could rinse off I had another knock at my door "I'll be there in a second, give me a couple minutes I swear" I yelled at the person trying to enter my house. Just then I heard a click from the front door and the thud of it shutting, I froze and listened to who had just entered my house without permission, they padded slowly through my house before stopping at the door of my bathroom that I had thankfully locked. That's when the intruder spoke up "Chase, I know you like talking to sluts and all, but you shouldn't get all dressed up and smelling good for them" Maddie said this in a playful tone. I sighed with relief of hearing the familiar voice before tensing back up again at my next thought "how the hell did you get in here?" I asked, suspicion more evident with every word "You're forgetting who makes the keys around here" she toyed. My member grew at thought of this, her slender body clasping itself around me..... I shook the thought off and collected myself, I need love, not a booty call. "You know this is illegal right?" I say with all the seriousness I can muster up, she falls silent at this before muttering something under her breath and saying "I'm sorry". I heard her cross swiftly across the apartment and quickly open and shut the door. I sighed and leaned against the shower wall what the hell are you doing chase? She's not gonna be a distraction like every other girl before when something bad happens. I turned off the water and climbed out of the shower, the cold air contrasting against my hot skin sent shivers running through me, I hastily put on my clothes and got ready; hair combed, deodorant, and cologne to complete it all. I opened up the door of my bathroom letting the light from the window of my bedroom flood my eyes. I stretched and checked my watch which read 12:30, plenty of time to grab a coffee before I go to Norma's and what better place to get it from then the college I'm about to attend. I grab my keys and card for the apartment and put on my jacket stuffing the contents inside a pocket, I open up the door and and go to head out when I see a yellow piece of paper attached to the front of it with a second key card to my apartment. I grab it off the door and read: "You're right, I shouldn't have made a key and broke into your home, that was wrong and really unprofessional. It won't happen again, but I would like to talk when you get the time. -Maddie". Her perfume hung loosely off the paper, I stuffed it in my pocket and made my way to the elevator, the thought of Maddie weighed heavy on me but I pushed it away for now, I'll deal with her tonight.

Wreckless BehaviorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora