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As we ride back too the apartment I couldn't help but find that a comfortable silence had draped over us; the fresh autumn air blew through my hair as the sun rose above the Puget Sound lightly warming my face. I look over to Kayla and smile, "So what do you think she'll have to say to us??" She ponders the question for a moment before responding "Something tells me that she may not be happy with us and the current situation, but then again she has a right to be considering that we where literally not talking less than a day ago and now here we are trying to...." her voice trails off, and I gently place her hand in mine. "We are trying to see if this is going to work; every relationship has hiccups, right?" Kayla shakes her head in agreement, and I smile brightly once more before turning my head back towards the window and appreciating the scenery before we arrive at our destination.

When we arrive Devon is sitting on the curb of the parking spot kayla usually parks in, as Kayla turns the engine off Devon walks over to my side and waits for me to open the door, tapping her foot impatiently as she does so. As I slowly get out, I try to break the ice with a joke. "Hey, Mom, I'm sorry I didn't call -" I'm cut off by Devon punching my arm. "What the hell chase?! You had me worried out of my mind! One minute, we're dancing in a club having a great time, and the next you're being dragged out by security while in the middle of a brawl, I thought you were arrested or worse!" I see the concern in my best friends eyes, I wrap my arms around her slowly and that's when she finally takes a deep breath "look I don't care if you're with her, to be quite frank I think she's good for you and keeps you in check, just don't forget that there's other people out there who care about you." I nod my head in agreement and she breaths what I assume is a sigh of relief, then she claps her hands together "well now that the ass ripping is done, come inside, we have other issues to discuss."  I look over to Kayla, who simply shrugs her shoulders.

With Kayla's hand in mine we head into the lobby and up the elevator back into our shared apartment, there we find  Gaydin sitting in a chair and appearing nervous as he bounces both legs up and down. I help Kayla put her belongings up in my room before returning to the kitchen where I fix myself a drink, we all sit down as Gaydin starts too speak "So me and Devon have been talking a lot and how our relationship is progressing so...... I have invited her to come live with me." Instantly I choke on my drink but quickly regain my composure to prevent them from thinking that I don't approve "I think that's a little quick but if that's what you want and what'll make you happy Dev; who am I too stop you?" a smile slowly engulfs her face before she runs over to me and wraps me in a hug "I knew you would understand, I tried to tell him not to worry but he felt it was only right that I told you since I would be moving out and all." I nod my head and look at Kayla who seems to be smiling just as wide, a raise an eyebrow and take another sip of my drink before asking a question (or making a statement more or less) "you're excited to have an apartment alone with me aren't you?" she chuckles before replying "well my house is nice, and all but yours is beyond that." She winks, and the whole room erupts in laughter. Once we settle down, I turn my attention back to the subject at hand,"So when will you be packed up and moved out?" Devon ponders this for a moment before speaking up."I'd say it shouldn't take me but a day or two tops. After all, he is just up the hall." I nod in acknowledgment, and for a moment, the house is comfortably silent "Well I guess we got  big day and all tomorrow, so I'm heading off to bed." Kayla grabs her car keys and starts to head to my room, and I hurriedly bid my best friend and her boyfriend goodnight before racing after her.

I awake the next morning to someone tapping on my door and a face full of red hair, I unweave myself from Kayla's hair and make my way to the door, when I open it there stands Devon and Gaydin both in what appears to be a cross between lounge wear and fitness clothes "what time is it?" Devon hands me two cups of coffee and a tape gun,"you slept in, and so I thought it'd be best that I wake you and sleep beauty over there." she looks over my shoulder and waves, and when I look over my shoulder, Kayla is upright in bed waving back "well let's get to work then." I take a swig of my coffee and begin to start packing up boxes.

The next few hours consisted of a lot of packing, yelling, laughing, and a couple of bumps and bruises along the way. By the end of the day, we managed too successfully move all of Devon's stuff into Gaydin's apartment, I set the last box down and take a deep breath " I didn't realize how much shit you have Dev." She shrugs her shoulders at me, and I scoff back at her Unbelievable I think to myself. I bid her a Gaydin farewell and close the door behind me, Kayla is sitting outside the hallway, and through a window pain, a ray of the sun hits her face perfectly reminding me just how beautiful this woman is. It's hard to think about everything that has happened in such a short amount of time and I can't help but stare at the once stranger- turned lover that has her back leaned against the wall and her legs crossed looking back at me. She snaps me back to reality by asking a question, "Do you think we'll ever be like that? Have someone that we feel the need to be round constantly?" I sit down next to her and wrap my arms around her. She presses her face gently into my chest, and I can smell her strawberry conditioner and the perfume she wore today blending perfectly together. She looks up at me, and I think for a moment before answering her question "Well if I'm being completely honest, I feel I already found her."

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