Ghosts in the closet

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I awake with a start shaking uncontrollably and drenched in sweat, I look around to get a bare of my surroundings before slamming my body back onto the mattress. I look over at my alarm clock and realize that I have woken up ten minutes before my alarm for school, so I decide to to grab a band shirt and a classic pair of blue skinny jeans. I start to shower and as I do I hear my microwave start up with a beep followed by some humming leave it to Devon to be up this early on a whim I think this too myself as I rinse my hair out and all the nightmares I had last night along with it.

I mosey out of my room and into the kitchen where I see Devon heating up some silver dollar pancakes "where the hell did you find those?" Devon doesn't even look over my way but instead chuckles before responding "well Chase if you have too know it has been made very apparent that you have been quite the busy man and haven't bothered even filling this new home up with at least with the essentials." she looks over her shoulder and winks at me, I sit there confused for a second wondering what she meant when she said that I was a "Busy" man. "Devon what exactly are you talking-" she cuts me off by turning around and slapping a fork on  my head "you're forgetting that I know the code to your phone since you've yet to get around to updating that too, so I know all about Maddie, Kelsey, Hannah, Kayla.... do I need to go on?" the microwave dings and she pulls out the pancakes and hands me a plate, she looks rather content at herself at being able to figure everything out before I even have a chance too explain, that's when she continues "I also know that you where pretty cold to Maddie, Hannah turned out to not be into guys, and you almost took Kelsey back...... What I want to know is why this Kayla chick held you back from pulling the trigger, because the Chase I know would've given his wall of guitars up to be back with her, so what makes this Kayla girl so special." Right then I knew that Devon had caught me, I blush a little and smooth my hair back trying to find the words to explain to her what Kayla means too me; after all I barely know the girl but something about her makes every aspect of my soul swell with joy when she's even mentioned. I take a couple bites of my food before a respond "I don't know yet, I know that she's a very unique girl and makes me happy, but I'm not gonna hold my breath just yet," I sigh and take a couple more bites of food. Devon mouth slowly forms a wide smile "what?" I ask her "well apparently she feels something for you too," Devon throws my phone too me and I'm surprised to see a text from Kayla: Are you okay? We where suppose to text tonight and I didn't hear anything from you, I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow ~Kayla I look at the text and a smirk plays on my lips, just then it dawns on me that I have to be to school in half an hour "shit I gotta go Dev, I'll pick you up after class and we can go somewhere how does that sound?" as I say this I grab my keys and jacket and sling bag, I go over to Devon and give her a quick hug "How bout we go get tatted?!" Devon Mumbles this as her face is currently pressed into my side, I chuckle and nod my head confirming the plans for the night.

When I get to school I'm greeted by Hannah and Alexis, Hannah goes to sling her arms around me and I jump and step away "shit looks like someone is jumpy, what happened, see a ghost?" Hannah says this jokingly but I can sense a tone of seriousness laced in her voice "Nah, I just had a couple skeletons visit me from my closet" I look at the ground and that's when Alexis takes the moment to change the subject "Well I hope you studied because we got our first quiz today" I groan and the girls laugh.

The remainder of school goes smoothly and I was surprised when Mr.Dukes tells me that I aced the quiz, I'm sitting down looking at the quiz in amazement when someone whispers into my ear "so you're not gonna talk to me eh?" The voice sends my nerves into a frenzy and I hold back from biting my lip "hey can I talk to you for a sec in the hallway?" I turn to look at Kayla before grabbing her hand and leading her into the hallway "How can I help you Mr. Taylor? or should I say Mr. I'm to good to text people." Kayla leans to one sides and folds her arms indicating that she's irritated that I hadn't gotten back to her last night "I...Something happened, I got in alittle bit of trouble..." I rub the back of my head and look at the ground. Only then did Kayla realize the black eye I was sporting, her expression softens and her attitude is replaced with worry "oh my god Chase who did-" I cut her off before she could question any further "It was nothing really, I resolved that problem in my past, thank you for your concern though." I smile brightly and Kayla looks at me questioningly but doesn't push any farther "well then if you've taken care of your past, are you doing anything tonight in the future?" Kayla blushes as she asks me this and I'm tempted to drop my plans with Devon, but that would be wrong to abandon a friend who came across the country to see you, and I gotta find out what happened to her and Josh. "Actually Mrs. Jennings, I do have plans unfortunately, but maybe tomorrow??" She nods her head but I can tell that she's hurt at my rejection of her offer, so why does it also hurt me? I push my thoughts aside as the bell rings signaling the end of my day You'll owe me one for this Devon I think to myself.

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