Searching for the Light

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Love ya'll :)

Kayla's grip on my wrist hasn't loosened since she dragged me out of the classroom and towards the pavilion, we get there and she stops and turns around "Do you have any idea how worried I was about you? You just up and leave without a note, a call, or even a simple fucking text?! I mean I spent all night crying and thinking I did something wrong and then you just show up in class like it's just any other day!" Kayla is screaming at this point and it has drawn a crowd so I try my best to calm her down without making the situation worse "look I never meant to hurt you I just wasn't sure-" Kayla cuts me off "sure about what?! where you not sure that I would be easy? that I would let you do whatever you wanted?" My blood is boiling and I finally snap "This is exactly what I knew you where thinking! I knew that I pushed you into it, you know how guilty I felt? It's fine though, I'll leave you alone." The crowd disperses and Kayla's look of fury slowly turns into one of confusion and worry as she suddenly realizes how I was feeling when she left me in her living room last night "wait chase I didn't realize....." Kayla reaches for my hand but I jerk away from her and head to parking lot toward my chopper. I start the engine up and peal out of the campus parking lot towards my apartment.

I get home and toss my keys into Devon's fancy key bowl and go over to the freezer, I open it up and slam the bottle of jack unto the counter, I grab a glass from the cabinet and slam it down on the counter as well except unlike the bottle of jack, the glass shatters into a thousand pieces. I begin to curse and slam my fist on the counter making Devon rush into the kitchen "what the hell is going on chase who died?" Devon looks me up and down to make sure I have no injuries but when she reaches my eyes and see's the tears starting to form in them she comes over and hugs me "oh chase......... what happened?" I straighten up and clean myself up before speaking "It's exactly what I expected Dev, she thought I was some asshole who was just lookin for an easy lay." I run my hands through my hair and let out a deep breath in an attempt to regain my composure, Devon tsks and looks at me with caring eyes before resting a hand on my shoulder "well the handsome, intimidating Mr. Taylor shouldn't let some girl break him like this, come on I know just what you need." Devon goes and grabs a towel and workout gloves and throws them at me, I grin slightly before heading off towards the gym with her.

Devon left me in the gym over an hour ago and as I feel my muscles cramp in protest I fight through the pain and continue my boxing drills hitting the punching bag until I begin to cut a tiny hole exposing the insides of it. I decide to take a break from the bag in worry that I might have to replace it if I hit it anymore, as I begin to walk over to the weight bench I hear a faint knock on the entrance door to the gym, I turn around to see who knocked; there in the same pencil skirt and white blouse, with her hair now messy and her mascara staining her rose red cheeks, is the girl who forced me into this gym in the first place. I grab my towel and start to wipe myself down and as I pack my stuff Kayla walks in and tries to approach me "Chase can we please talk about what-" as she gets closer to me I pick the remainder of my stuff up and brush past her "there is nothing to talk about Kayla, you clearly made up your mind about me and what "This" is, now if you'll excuse me I have a shower to get too." I make my way to the elevator and press the button hoping that it will open in time for me too get into without her, luck unfortunately is not on my side today and as soon as the elevator dings and I begin to step in Kayla rushes past me and into the corner. I sigh heavily and pick my spot on the complete opposite side of her, the elevator closes and as soon as it does a heavy silence lays in the atmosphere. Kayla looks at me nervously a couple times before taking a deep breath and speaking "Look, I don't expect you to forgive me but please let me just talk to you, to tell you how sorry I am," Kayla's eyes start to fill with tears and I shut my eyes tight and take a cleansing breath before motioning her to proceed, she lets out a breath before continuing "you left last night with no explanation as too were you where going or why you where leaving in the first place." I look at her and I could see the hurt in her eyes, my heart twists and I finally speak "so then tell me what you meant on the phone last night with whoever you where talking to," her eyes widen and she pulls a strand of hair behind her ear " That's what I wanted to talk to you about, I wanted to make sure we where on the same page but I didn't know how to ask you." She looks down at the ground and I can't help but smirk at how sincere she looks right now, I grab her hand and she looks up with surprise before finally smiling. I grin as the elevator dings "So are we good?" Kayla asks this as we step out of the elevator, I nod and lead her to my apartment.

I open the door quietly and peer into the apartment and as I do I hear Devon snoring from her room. I chuckle and grab Kayla's hand leading her quietly through the living room and into my room, I close the door and as I turn around to face Kayla I find her completely mesmerized by my room "what did you say you do again?" Kayla looks at me with pure disbelief and I chuckle to myself before answering "I just work at a hospital, no biggie." Kayla nods as she runs her finger along my book shelf and as she does I see her slowly wiggle the shoulder of her blouse off exposing a red laced bra underneath, I immediately get goosebumps and my body begins to heat up "So Mr. Taylor, How could I apologize to you properly?" She turns too me and slowly starts unbuttoning her blouse revealing the little bow in between her chest, my member perks up and my mind begins to race at the thought of having her, "shower now" I command. She giggles and starts to slowly walk to the shower and as she does she takes off every piece of clothing one by one until there is nothing; her body is curvy with a plume shaped butt and a feminine back with dimples on either side, her body is impeccable in every form of the word and my member throbs at the view of her. I quickly strip out of my clothes and follow her into the bathroom, I turn on the faucet of the shower heads and watch as the water flows down from her head unto her plump breasts, she looks up at me before kissing my collar and immediately going down and taking him into her mouth, she sucks fast and hard and groan as she swirls her tongue around my member, within seconds I release into her mouth and she comes back up while licking the corner of her lips "is Mr. Taylor pleased with me?" she asks this and I almost cum again as the words leave her lips.

We stay in the shower for a while longer before we both get out and get ready for bed, I throw her a shirt and she smiles wide before inhaling it's scent "you're a complete weirdo." I say this to her and she looks at me before throwing the shirt back and grabbing one from the bag she had with her "just for that I won't let you see me in you're shirt, I'm glad I brought a spare because of how hard I was crying coming here." I scoff before getting in bed and snuggling up next too her, I look at her and she seems too have a hint of worry on her face "is everything alright love?" I ask this hoping that she doesn't jump out of my arms and runs away "Yes everything is fine, and by the way, I guess you've earned the 'love' part." Kayla yawns as she says this and I can't help but smile as she says this, I role onto my back and look up at the ceiling feeling content and full of life, and as my eyes grow heavy I silently pray that this feeling never leaves me.

Wreckless BehaviorTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang