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1 Week Later.....

I wake up to my alarm blaring, I roll over too slam the snooze button (which I comedically missed) flashes of Kayla's kisses invade my mind once again like they have been for the last week. This has too stop it's getting out of hand I think this too myself, getting up to go on my morning run I reflect over what happened too me this last week which is, to say the least, absolute misery; I haven't been sleeping, Mr.Dukes as well as my other professors have told me that they have seen a steady decline in quality of my work, Devon says I've been super short about things, I haven't touched a drop of alcohol,  and now I haven't heard from the girl who's been on my mind all week. I wonder what she's up too, or if she's thought about me at all dammit chase snap out of it I shake the thoughts away and open the door to my room, that's when I see and hear Devon running full speed towards me screaming something that I can barley make out, I step to the side to avoid her collision and she trips on air and falls face first on to the floor then shoots right back up "what the hell was that for?! You could've at least tried to stop me!" I laugh as she tried her best to kick me in the shins only to realize that her kicks are nothing more than pillows being thrown at me and she huffs in frustration before continuing "anyways I got just the thing to cheer you up tonight!" My laughter stops and I look at her quizzically "I don't want to go to the parlor if thats what you're thinking dev." I look at her with all the authority I can muster which only earns me a chuckle in return "I'm not talking about the parlor mister stern, you'll see tonight." She winks at me before whipping out her phone to call gaydin and disappearing into her room, I put my shoes on and begin to head out the door while thinking about what Devon could possibly be cooking up.

Devon told me too put on something nice but not too nice, so I ended up doing what I always do when I'm told to dress this way; black jeans and a white baseball T-shirt with a hoodie to top it off, Fall is in full swing and I'm loving every minute of it. The crisp air blew through my hair and as the autumn leaves slowly fell from the branches of trees I couldn't help but feel a bolt of refreshing energy surge through me "Hey Chase, get in!" I see Devon leaning over to look at me through the passenger side window of her car where gaydin is currently sitting, and as he opens up the back door to let me in to the old car I can't help but laugh at the scene these two put on anytime I see them. I plop down and my seat and lean my feet up on the center console which earns me a slap on the leg "ouch alright I'm sorry I'll put my feet down, so where are we going my glorious companions??" Just then Gaydin and Devon look at each other as if too make sure it's okay to tell me the super secret surprise they have planned for me "we're going to a club!" Both her and Gaydin begin to yell and scream with excitement, a smile plays on my lips and I sink into the old seat to get ready for the ride.

We arrive at the club and as the bouncer lets us in I take in my surroundings; there's a DJ in the very center of this neon kingdom and there is an ocean of people. We push our way through the intoxicated sea of people and find ourselves a nice booth in a side of the club that overlooks the rest of it entirely  "so you ready to have the night of your life chase?!" Dev yells this over the thumping music and I look at her with the brightest smile I can muster and nod; in actuality I'm trying my best to enjoy it for Devon, I would much rather be at home drinking in blissful silence. I scan the room and spot a familiar face at the bar making my blood begin to boil almost instantly "hey Dev, I'm gonna go get a drink I'll be right back!" I yell this over the music the DJ is mixing, when she nods her head I get up and make my way over too the bar, when I get there I find a seat right next to the person who caused this whole mess I got going on, he's speaking to two women and I begin to overhear the conversation "-yeah my ex just dumped me..... she was some crazy bitch who didn't know how to keep her legs closed.... Yeah she's with this new guy that's such a downgrade from me but ya know some things can't be helped, he even tried to beat my ass but then I smacked some sense into him." At this point I have two options: number one, kick his ass in front of his friends or number two, embarrass him in front of his friends, either way I win. I take a minute to contemplate my decision and then turn towards him and speak "so Sammy boy are you sure that's how that went?" Samuel freezes and the women in front of him look at me quizzically "see ladies I'm the guy that Sammy here said he smacked around, I'm the downgrade." Samuel must have felt that his man card was on the line because what he did next stunned both me and the women who where mingling with him; he grabbed me by the collar and begins shouting in my face "I did kick your ass or are forgetting bud, do I need to refresh your memory?!" The whole club went silent and I looked towards my friends who where apparently watching the whole scenario unfold. I mouthed to Devon mind if I blow of a little steam? She simply shrugged her shoulders and waved her hand to continue, with my green light I grabbed Samuel by his own collar and as his face turned a ghostly shade of white I looked at the bouncers headed my way "it isn't no problem gentlemen we where just taking this outside." The bouncers stepped aside and when I got to the double doors leading to the outside I threw Samuel through them, he hit the ground hard and I jumped on him not giving any opportunity to get a one up on me, I hit him in the ribs first and as I heard him cry out in pain the devil in me smiled. I continued this until he caught one and threw a punch of his own hitting me right on the chin I was stunned and he took that opportunity to hit me in the gut knocking the wind out of me "ain't so tough now are ya!" He began to flip us over but I wasn't about to lose, so I hit him across the eyebrow with an elbow instantly making  a flow a blood gush from his eyebrow. I began feeling like I was winning the fight but as soon as I thought such he connected with a left right to my eye, I felt the area start to swell and blood run down my cheek He's gonna pay for that he threw me off of him and got on his hands and knees, he was breathing heavy and started spitting out blood that had accumulated in his mouth, by this time a crowd had started to form around the scene and I could vaguely hear sirens blare in the distance. I rushed Samuel and wrapped one arm around his neck and locked the it to my free arm, Samuel began gasping for air but I wasn't about to let up, that is until I heard her voice "CHASE STOP YOU'RE GOING TO KILL HIM!" I instantly released my grip on Samuel who threw himself towards the ground and began coughing and wheezing. "What in the hell are you doing here Kayla? You shouldn't be here" here I am, Chase Taylor, being the same guy I've always been; impulsive, short tempered, and naïve, but instead of feeling good about it I felt guilt and stupidity, but why? What made me feel this way? Maybe it was the way she was looking at me, or the way her eyes had tears on either side of them, or the fact that she looked so beautiful under a autumn moonlight, maybe, just maybe, she makes me want to be a better person than I am. Kayla snaps me out of my thoughts "Now is not the time to ask me why I'm here! Get up we have to go!" Kayla grabs one arm and throws it over her back, her small figure struggles to pick my full body weight up and I tried my best to help, it was only then that I realized how much I had been hit. We begin half running/ half limping towards the parking lot "where are we going" I look at her and she looks back at me with fire in her eyes, just then I hear a car unlock and she opens the passenger side door and throws me in "shut the hell up chase and just do what I tell you for once" I grunt as I feel the bruising start to form on my side when the hell did he hit me there? I throw my head against the head rest and watch Kayla get in the car and peel out of the driveway, I have no idea where I'm going and all I can think of before I pass out is Devon's gonna be pissed.

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