2 days...

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Tip: Don't forget the song fits the chapters theme!

I cut the engine to my motorcycle and breath in the intoxicating smell of pine trees around me. I gawk at the humongous campus before me, I remember the first time I saw it back in high school, too self absorbed and arrogant to appreciate what life it could bring to me but dumb enough to think girls where the answer to my happiness. I strolled to the coffee shop that sat snug in one of the giant building and order a simple mocha, the hot beverage setting alight to my cold tongue. I miss the cold of the north, it wakes you up and clears your lungs, the crisp air leaves you intoxicated and happy. Everything that I missed about living is here, and I couldn't be happier. I finish the last drops of coffee and make my way outside, as I'm walking I check the time which is currently 1:30. Shit I'm gonna be late, she's gonna be so pissed, I book it too my car and as I'm doing so I collide into someone making the books and notes they had in their arms fly everywhere, "watch where you're going man, you know people got places to be too but you don't see them running like a bat out of Hell" I flinch at this. Not because of what the person said, but because of their voice, it was soft and delicate and just raspy enough to get their point across, I look down at the ground and helped collect her belongings "I'm so sorry, I promise it won't happen again. My names chase by the way" still looking down I extend a hand and offer a polite hand shake, she briskly shakes my hand and collects the remainder of her things "thanks for picking up my stuff with me chase, it was nice meeting you, bye" and with that she stands up and hurries away from me and into the building leaving me with nothing but a blur of beautiful black hair to remember her by. I sit there crouched and sort of dazed from the lightning fast exchange, I quickly come to my senses however as too how late I am for the meeting that I was admit on not being late too. I get to my feet and sprint the remaining distant to my motorcycle, I quickly start the ignition and as it roars to life I peel out of the parking lot and onto the highway. Making sure that I don't get in a wreck while going as fast as the crotch rocket would let me, thankfully luck was on my side for there where no cops to stop me on my journey to Norma's. When I finally arrive in the parking lot of the restaurant the clock reads 3:15 P.M. ; I'm late. I walk slowly into the restaurant convinced that Kelsey would be long gone and would proceed too blow up my phone for the rest of the night telling me how horrible of a person I was; little does she knows that I'm past the point of hurting her feelings and the only reason as too why I was worried about making the date was to get some closure. "I'm glad you could make it chase, and here I thought this was important too you" I stiffened at the familiar voice that spoke to me from across the tiny diner. I turned and looked at her: her hair was in a bun, her eyes where puffy and swollen,  her nose was red a runny, and her playful vibe was replaced with a much darker one which was nothing I had ever seen before from her. I walked across the small space and sat down and looked at her once more, the mean straightforward Mr. Taylor was replaced with one of sympathy and concern, I reached for her hand and she gave it too me "what happened to you Kelsey, I've never seen you like this." She smiles faintly before sniffing a couple times, there was a long silence before she spoke "I don't know what you're doing back here chase. I've been looking for you for three years now, and here you are now and I just.... I missed you, I want us again chase." I flinch at this and withdrawal my hand quickly, my adrenaline picks up as flashbacks of our horrible relationship flood my memory. I straighten up in my seat and say what needs to be said " I came here to tell you quite the opposite Kelsey, I need you to leave me alone. I'm trying to get my life together and be something and I refuse to have you break me the way you did last time, I'm not a lap dog anymore. I don't know who gave you my number or who told you I was back in town but tell them that if they give it out anymore I will make sure they won't be able to ever again. I wish to keep the past in the past and I don't want to repeat it, nothing good can come of it." I get up quickly and begin to exit the restaurant, as I do this Kelsey begins to cry and beg for me to come sit back down and as hard as it is for me to hear her like this I will myself to exit the restaurant. I get on my bike and put on my helmet before looking up to see that Kelsey is chasing after me with tears rolling down her face, her eyes plead for me to stop and she points too her car gesturing me to go with her. I shake my head and hold back tears as I rev the engine and turn out of the parking lot leaving her on her knees: broken.

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